16. Wake up

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Five days.
It's been five days since the explosion and there's still no sign of Cammie.
Stiles is still in hospital and it doesn't look like he'll wake up anytime soon.
Nolan confirmed that hunters were responsible for the explosion and that some guy took an unconscious or dead Cammie out of the rubble before disappearing.
They didn't get a clear picture of the guy's face and are currently trying to track them down.
The sheriff is back in his office even though Melissa told him to rest for a couple more days.
Theo and I are currently getting ready to go visit Stiles.
Scott and Lydia are already there.
After Theo told me what happened between him and his sister and his fear of her posing as anyone, he's been less paranoid and he's trying to get a hold of Tracy's and Josh's power. Trying to figure out how to control them - considering he couldn't control it when he got angry - and possibly use them if necessary.
"They're waiting for us, you know," Theo speaks up, snaking his arms around my waist and interrupting my thoughts, "I know," I respond, leaning into his touch.
A chill runs down my spine when he kisses my neck.
"Let's go," he says, pulling away and I fight the urge to pull him back and smash my lips on his before following him downstairs.
I bump into my mom and look up at her apologizing.
"Liam," she calls before I can leave and I turn around to face her.
"I'm going to New York to visit your aunt May for a few days," she informs "Are you boys gonna be alright?" she asks "Of course, you don't need to worry," I respond "Won't Zac be here?" I ask and she shakes her head "He's going tomorrow morning," she responds.
"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him," Theo informs, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and my mom smiles.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she informs, shooting Theo a look, implying something and Theo looks at her a little wide eyed, his cheeks tinted a soft shade of pink. "Don't worry," he stutters and mom chuckles "You don't have to look so scared," she informs before kissing his cheek and the top of my head and disappearing into her room to pack.
I get Theo's attention by pulling away from his grip, practically dragging him to the truck.
"I think she knows about us," Theo informs as he turns on the engine.
"Are we that obvious?" I ask and he shrugs "Everyone thought we were a couple before we even got together," he informs "Even James thought I was your boyfriend the first time I actually met him," he adds and he's definitely right about that one.
"At least she doesn't seem to care," I say "That's good isn't it?" I ask "She's supportive, that's awesome," he responds, shooting me a smile before returning his gaze to the road.

We get out of the truck and Theo gives our surroundings a once over before we enter the hospital.
I said that Theo is less paranoid, I didn't say he stopped assuming that Cammie could be anywhere.
"Did you ever think that Cammie could've been posing as me?" he asks as we slowly make our way to Stiles' room "What do you mean?" I ask. "After I was kidnapped, did it ever occur to you that Cammie could've been the one the pack found?" he questions and I shake my head "No it hasn't," I respond "Why?" I asks and he shrugs as the elevator door closes "It was just a thought that popped into my head," he responds as the doors open again and we step out of the elevator.
"We just have to wait for news from Nolan and maybe we'll find her," I say and he nods his head in agreement before we enter the room.
Lydia is sitting right next to Stiles, holding his hand while Scott and Malia are sitting further back, holding each others hand.
I sit down next to them while Theo stays on Stiles' other side, looking between Stiles' unconscious body and his heart monitor in thought.
"What are you doing?" Lydia questions and I look up to see that Theo has his fingers on the side of Stiles' head "I'm gonna wake him up," is all Theo says before closing his eyes and sparks emerge from his hand.
Stiles' heartbeat increases, stopping at a normal heart rhythm.
"You're gonna kill him," Lydia exclaims but before she can stop him, Stiles suddenly takes in a sharp breath. Theo opens his eyes and lets go of Stiles, stumbling a little backward as Stiles blinks, trying to focus his sight.
Theo manages to hold himself before completely losing balance and he slowly walks towards the chairs, sitting down next to me.
"What's going on?" Stiles questions as he looks at us with confusion all over his face and Lydia proceeds to tell him the story.
"Are you okay?" I ask, looking at Theo and he nods his head, trying to take in as much oxygen as possible.

"How did you do that?" Scott questions and Theo explains something that has to do with the brain and the synapses that are responsible for movement or something like that, I have no idea.

"How did you know it was gonna work?" Malia asks "Stiles' finger twitched when I accidentally gave him a small shock on the forehead the other day," Theo responds.
"That was you?" Stiles questions, looking at Theo from his spot on the bed.
"You felt that?" Theo asks in response and Stiles nods his head "I also heard what you guys said, I just thought it was a dream," he adds.
"Do you remember what happened before the explosion?" Scott asks and Lydia helps her boyfriend sit up.
"I remember sending Liam a text and while I was waiting, Parrish brought in a guy. He looked familiar so I looked him up," he informs "I don't remember his name, but after doing some paperwork, I went to the cells to check on the prisoners and the guy smiled before retrieving a button from his jacket and pressing it. I heard a hiss before everything went black," he finishes.
"So the explosion was triggered from the police station?" Malia asks and Stiles nods his head.
"We need to know who the guy is because he grabbed Cammie and took her somewhere," Theo informs.
"His name is on the sheriff's database, we can look at it once I'm out of here," Stiles suggests.
"Is my dad alright?" he asks and Lydia nods with a smile "He's working again," she informs.
"They're trying to rebuild the damaged part of the building," she adds and before anyone can say anything else, we hear the door open and look up to see Melissa walking in and she looks surprised to see that Stiles is awake.
"How?" she questions motioning to him and Stiles looks over at Theo.
Melissa follows Stiles gaze and Theo doesn't say anything, he just shows her the sparks and she frowns a little.
"You know that could've killed him right?" she questions and Theo looks down in shame.
"I'll make some tests to see if everything is okay," Melissa informs before giving Stiles a hand and helping him sit down on the wheelchair that was in the corner of the room.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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