20. You Saved Me

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We reach Scott's house and we sit there waiting for him.
Liam got a text from him saying that he managed to grab Nolan and Mason with the help of T.J and they're on their way back right now.
I'm kinda nervous about Scott seeing my sister, I did tell him that she's a thousand times worse than I am even though it's not true, I just hope he believes us when we try to explain it to him.
And I hope he doesn't try to kill her.
I don't think he will because it's not what Scott does.
His 'motto' is to keep everyone alive and that's what we're trying to do, right?
"Don't worry," Liam speaks up, and I turn to look at him "I'll try to convince him," he adds, taking a hold of my hand and giving it a light squeeze of reassurence.

"I know," I say, leaning in and giving him a soft kiss.
"Get a room," I hear Cammie mumble and I flip her off, kissing Liam a little deeper.
Before it can turn into a make out session, we hear the door open and we pull away to see Scott entering the house.
"What is she doing here?" he asks "She's here to help," Liam responds, before I get the chance to and before Malia can attack her, Scott holds her back.
After Nolan and Mason enter the house, I see T.J making his way inside and my breath hitches.
"Theo," he greets, looking down slightly "Hanson," I greet back, trying to avoid eye contact and Liam looks at me with an eyebrow raised.
I just shrug.
I can tell that he's kinda jealous, but he doesn't have to be. T.J and I were just friends and Liam has nothing to worry about.

After Cammie explains to the pack what dad is planning, we both leave the room, sitting at the table in the kitchen while Liam talks to them, trying to make them trust my sister.
"Are you gonna tell him?" Cammie questions and I can pretty much guess what she's talking about. "No," I respond and she looks at me with an eyebrow raised "Why the hell not?" she questions "Because I don't think he feels the same," I respond and she shakes her head, trying to hold back a laugh. "Have you seen the way he looks at you?" she questions "I'm pretty sure he feels the same," she adds.
"I can't," I inform and she shoots me a questioning look before realising what I'm implying. "You have to tell him about that too," she points out "Rather sooner than later," she adds and I look at her "I don't want to hurt him," I inform "I think he's gonna be more hurt if you keep it from him," she informs and I sigh, but before I can say anything else, Liam walks into the room.
"Hey," he greets and I lean down to give him a kiss.
"What were you guys doing?" he asks, looking at both of us "Just catching up on things," I respond before Cammie can open her mouth to say anything.
"What did they say?" I question, trying to change the subject "It took some convincing, but they're in," he responds and I sigh in relief.
"Great," Cammie speaks up. "What now?" she asks. "Scott is going to talk to Stilinski and his father, to see if they're on board and then we can go through with the plan," Liam explains and I nod in agreement.
"I'm gonna go tell dad," Cammie informs as she hops off the table "Give me a call when we can start," she adds, kissing the top of my head before making her way out.
She gives me a look telling me to talk to Liam before she completely disappears out of my sight.
T.J. then walks into the kitchen and I try to hold back any unwanted noises as he approaches the table.
"Liam can you give us a sec?" I ask and he looks between T.J and I before nodding, "I'll wait in the truck," he informs before softly pulling me into a kiss.
I can tell that Thomas is looking away and I hold back a laugh.
I said that we were only friends, but Liam is doing this on purpose, trying to make Thomas uncomfortable.
I'm the one to pull away and Liam shoots another look between Thomas and I, before walking out of the house.
"You have a boyfriend," Thomas breathes out as soon as Liam is out of earshot. "Yup," I respond, popping the 'p' and looking up at him.
"Is there a problem?" I ask and he shakes his head "I just remember you dating girls most of the time," he responds, leaning next to me on the table "That's because I'm bisexual and I wasn't really dating them, you know that," I inform "Right," Thomas says, knowing what I'm implying and to be honest, I'm a little ashamed at how many one night stands I had before I met Liam.
Especially after I thought Thomas died.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were still alive?" I question, crossing my arms as I look at him.
"I didn't know where you were," he responds "You could've given me some sort of sign, like picking up a phone and sending a message for example," I suggest.
"I suffered a trauma to the head which caused amnesia. I didn't remember your phone number and my phone was destroyed in the accident," he responds.
"I'm sorry," I mumble, looking down and I feel him wrap his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his chest.
"It wasn't your fault. The other guys is guilty, you know, the one that was racing after us," he informs "And you did call the ambulance," he adds.
"I shouldn't have left you in there," I exclaim "It was a good thing you did, or else I would've been paralysed from the waist down," he explains and I look up at him. He shoots me a small smile before pulling me into a hug and I wrap my arm around his waist.
"You saved me," he informs, hugging me tight and I can hear his heart beating strongly in his chest.
He pulls away a few seconds later, telling me that my boyfriend is waiting for me outside and I chuckle as I wipe my face with the sleeve of my shirt.
"I'll see you soon," he says before we say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.
"What did you talk about?" Liam asks as soon as I sit in the driver's seat.
"He just told me that I'm the reason he survived the accident and that it wasn't my fault that we crashed the car," I respond, telling the truth.
"So you thought you killed him in a car accident?" Liam questions and I nod my head as I start driving off.
"We were being chased by some guys and they hit the back of my car, causing me to lose control and slam sideways into a wall," I explain.
"I healed in a matter of minutes and I called the ambulance. I would've stayed with him, but we were still being chased and it was just a matter of time until the guys in the other car woke up," I add.
"Couldn't you have taken him with you?" Liam asks, looking at me.
"Thomas said that he would've been paralysed from the waist down if I had," I respond and it goes silent after that.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy 

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