4. Shapeshifter

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"What the hell is that?" Malia questions, her nose crunching up in disgust at the image of someone peeling their own skin off and replacing it with someone else's.
"That's a Shapeshifter," Theo informs as he unwraps his arm from my shoulder to take a closer look.
"Like us?" Scott questions and Theo shakes his head "They're more like snakes," he explains "They shed their skin and turn into anyone they want," he Nolan adds as if reading Theo's mind.
"I've never seen one of those," Stiles informs "I've never even read anything about that kind of Shapeshifter," he adds.
"Because these creatures are rare," Theo informs "Not many people have come across one of those," he adds.
"You have?" I ask turning my head slightly to look at him and he swallows hard, tensing a bit. "I knew one. yes," he responds and I'm glad he didn't lie and everyone looks at him, the recording completely forgotten as they turn their whole attention towards him.
"Who?" Mason asks, before any of us can.

"My sister," Theo responds cautiously "Tara?" Scott asks with his brows furrowed in confusion.
Theo shakes his head.
"Cammie," Theo answers and Stiles shares a confused look with Scott before turning back to Theo "You have another sister?" he asks in disbelief and Theo nods his head "How come we've never heard of her?" Stiles asks.
"Because she spent most of her time in Eichen House and my parents didn't want anyone to know about it so they pretended she didn't exist," Theo explains.
"The last time you guys came to my house before we 'moved', Cammie was discharged and sent home," Theo informs.
"How did she become a Shapeshifter in the first place?" Corey asks.
"While we were in the car, she made my father lose control of the vehicle and we hit a truck," Theo responds "My mom died immediately, my dad was in a coma in the hospital and the three of us were taken by the Dread Doctors," he informs "After I killed Tara, Cammie lost control and she killed our father as well as a couple other people and since the Dread Doctors wanted to be on the down low, they captured her and I haven't seen her in almost eight years," he finishes and when his eyes land on the screen, he freezes and we look at the screen to see a blonde girl looking straight at the camera.
"That's her?" Scott questions and all Theo can do is nod his head.
"She's cute," Malia speaks up and everyone turns to look at her with an eyebrow raised.
"What?" she questions and we roll our eyes before looking back at Theo "Are you sure?" I ask, subtly putting my hand on his lower back.
"I have no idea how, but yes, that's her," he responds before sharing a quick look with Nolan.
"Where was this filmed?" Stiles questions as he takes a closer look at the screen and Nolan shrugs "I'm not sure, I just know it was in Beacon Hills," he responds "What about the bodies? " Lydia questions as she motions to the five dead guys surrounding Cammie.
"My dad didn't find them," Stiles informs "When was it recorded?" he adds and Nolan looks back at the screen. "Ten days ago," he responds "So she could be anywhere by now?" Mason asks and Theo leans back on the couch, rubbing his face in frustration. "I don't get why none of the officers found any of the bodies," Stiles exclaims, frustration clearly audible in his voice.
"She probably cut them into pieces and threw them to the dogs or something," Then suggests.
"My question is, what does she want?" Lydia speaks up and Theo visibly 'shrinks' into himself and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who saw it.
He looks troubled and as if deep in thought.
"I think I know," Theo informs before sharing another quick look with Nolan and standing up.
"I'll be right back," he says before disappearing from the room. Next thing I know, the front door is being shut and I decide to go after him, but when I step out of the door, he's nowhere to be seen. 

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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