3. Bad Stuff

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"What are you doing?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen where Theo is rummaging through the cupboards "We still have about fifty minutes left until the pack meeting and I'm starving," he responds as he smears butter on some slices of toast. "You want butter on yours?" he asks, shooting me a quick look over his shoulder and I nod my head before sitting at the dining table.
"There you go," Theo says, putting a plate with two sandwiches in front of me and I thank him before he sits down opposite of me with his own plate.
"These are awesome," I say and he smiles a little "Thanks," he responds and I could have sworn I saw him blush for a second.
I try to get his chemosignals and they still read fear and anger like before.
I wonder what kind of nightmare he had, involving his sister.
Was it about the time he spent in hell with her?
Or was it something his family did to him?
"Earth to Liam" Theo says, interrupting my thoughts, "Are you still there?" he asks, snapping his fingers in front of my face, making me snap out of it.
"Yeah?" I say, resuming with eating my sandwich.
Theo leans back on the chair with his arms crossed, searching my face for something.
"What?" I ask, shifting a little under his gaze and he shrugs, making me a little irritated and I look at him with an eyebrow raised.
"I would like you to stop thinking about bad stuff," he says with another shrug "You don't know what I'm thinking," I exclaim. "Not really," he says "But I assume you're wondering why I freaked out earlier," he adds and my eyes widen a little bit, because that's what I was thinking about.
"Why did you freak out?" I ask looking up at him, curiosity taking over me. "It was a nightmare, like you said," he responds without second thought and I know that there's something more to it, but I decide against asking, because I don't want him to be mad at me.

"Are you finished?" Theo asks after a while "We have to go," he adds and I look at the clock behind me to see that we only have ten minutes left.
I nod my head and we both stand up.
Theo quickly washes the two plates before following me out of the house.
"You didn't have to do that," I inform, referring to the plates as I enter the passenger seat of his truck. "It's the least I can do," he informs, turning on the engine and driving off.

"Hey," Scott greets as he opens the door, pulling me into a hug and I hug him back for a second before pulling away and entering the house.
As Theo is about to walk in after me, Scott stops him and Theo looks at him confused.
Next thing I know, Scott is hugging Theo and Theo freezes for a second or two before hugging back.
Scott smiles at him as he pulls away before telling us to follow him to the living room.

Theo and I share a look and I shrug, because I'm just as surprised as him.
Once we enter the room I get engulfed in a group hug from Stiles and Lydia before Nolan and Corey do the same, happy to see me.
While the two boys are hugging me, I see Lydia giving Theo a hug, while Stiles just pats his back, saying something to him.
When Nolan and Corey let go of me, they, plus Mason pull Theo into a group hug, also saying something to him.
When they let go of him, Theo suddenly storms out of the room, leaving everyone confused and they all look at me questioningly. I just shrug before saying that I'll be right back.

I leave the room as well, finding Theo on the porch outside having something close to a panic attack.
"Theo," I exclaim, rushing to him "What's wrong?" I ask as he tries to catch his breath "This is too much," he informs, still having trouble breathing.
"What is?" I ask confused.
"Them hugging me and thanking me instead of scowling at me and telling me to leave," he explains, clutching to his chest as it gets harder for him to breathe. "Theo that's a good thing," I say, "It means that they don't hate you and that they're thankful for what you did for us these past few months," I inform, but he still can't breath properly.
I take his face in my hands, making him look at me "You need to breathe okay," I say, trying to help him catch his breath by laying his hand on my chest and telling him to try and match my breathing. He does as told, but fails. "I can't," he informs as he starts hyperventilating and I do the only thing that comes to my mind at that moment.
I lay one of my hands on the back of his neck and pull him in, kissing him.
He stops breathing for a second before kissing me back.
When I pull away, he looks at me surprised as he starts breathing normally.
"How did you do that?" he asks "Lydia once told me that holding your breath can help stop a panic attack. When I kissed you, you held your breath," I explain, stuttering a little "I did?" he asks, his eyes scanning my face for some reason "Yeah, you did," I respond with a small smile and he smiles back.

"Are you ready to go back in?" I ask after a while and he nods before we make our way back inside the house.
When we enter the living room everyone looks at Theo with worry in their eyes.
Well, all except Malia who's looking intently at her nails.
"Is everything okay?" Scott asks and he's genuinely concerned.
He always is, but whatever.
"Yeah," Theo responds "I'm sorry I freaked out," he informs "I was just a little overwhelmed with all of you hugging and thanking me," he explains.
"We didn't mean to scare you off," Lydia says, looking at Theo apologetically. "We were just thankful for what you did for us these past few months and especially about you keeping Beacon Hills safe while we were gone," Scott explains.
"Guys, it's fine," Theo reassures "I was just surprised, that's all," he informs "But I appreciate it, thanks. It means a lot," he adds and the others smile a little.

"Why did you call for a pack meeting?" I ask, getting back to what we came here for in the first place as I turn to look at Scott.
"Nolan wanted to show us something," Scott responds turning his head to look at Nolan. Soon everyone follows his gaze to the strawberry blonde boy.
Nolan asks us to sit down and we do as told, looking at him expectantly.
I'm squished between Theo and Mason on the three seater couch and I mean literally squished between them, because Corey is sitting on Mason's other side.
Lydia is on Stiles' lap on the armchair, while Nolan is sitting next to Scott who's sitting beside Malia.
"Two or three days ago, I went back to where Gerard kept his guns," Nolan informs "Don't ask me why, but anyway, I found this," he adds, retrieving a USB-Drive from his pocket.
"What's on it?" Malia asks, "That's what I wanted to show you," he informs before standing up and making his way to a bag in the corner of the room, retrieving a laptop from said bag.
As he turns it on, Scott disappears into the kitchen.
When Mason scoots a little to the side, laying his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, I realize that I'm half sitting on Theo's lap and he doesn't seem to mind.
He didn't say anything about the kiss either.
He was surprised for sure, but he didn't say anything.

My thoughts get interrupted when Scott re-enters the room with a tray in his hand.
He lays the tray with the drinks on the coffee table before handing everyone a glass of juice.
As I'm about to scoot away from Theo's lap, he instinctively drapes his arm around my shoulder, keeping me in place and I'm not complaining because he's warm and soft ... and I should probably stop thinking about him that way.
"There," Nolan exclaims pointing at something on the computer and getting me out of my thoughts.
All eyes go to the laptop to watch the video.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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