13. I don't deserve you

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It's a few days after the incident at the Sheriff station and Theo has been leaving my house a lot lately. He always tells me that he's been visiting his sister, trying to get his memories back somehow.
He's not lying though, so I shouldn't be worried about it, but I feel like there's something more, something he refuses to tell me.
I tried to get him to talk about it, I have been trying since the dinner we had with my father, but Theo can be pretty stubborn.
Scott and Stiles keep telling me that Theo will talk about it eventually.
I'm pretty sure that Scott knows what's going on with Theo from the way he's been acting lately, especially when I'm around.
He doesn't want to tell me anything either and frankly I'm running out of patience.

"What's going on between you and James?" I inquire as soon as Theo steps into my room.
"Nothing," he responds, sitting down on my desk chair.
"Don't bullshit me," I say, trying not to snap at him "You've been acting weird ever since you met my dad, there's definitely something bothering you," I point out. "I can't tell you," he informs "Why not?" I exclaim, frustration clear in my voice "It's been two weeks;" I point out.
"I already told you that you won't believe me," he says "Or worse you're gonna hate me," he adds and I get off my bed, approaching him slowly.
"I won't hate you," I inform, caressing his cheek "I like you too much," I add, trying to avoid the L-Word before giving him a soft kiss.
"Okay?" I say as I pull away and he looks at me with a mixture of sadness and guilt in his eyes.

"Your dad works for Monroe," he breathes out.
"What?" I exclaim, dropping my arms back to my side. "Your dad works for Monroe," he repeats "Yeah, I got that but-" I say, trying to process what he's talking about "How do you know?" I ask "Because he tried to kill me," he responds "When?" I question as anger starts building up inside of me at the thought of someone trying to kill my boyfriend.
"When you guys were out of town looking for Monroe," he explains.
"Why are you only telling me this now?" I question "Because I only realized it was your dad when I met him," he explains "I told Scott about it saying that I had no idea how to tell you, because I didn't have any proof," he informs "He told me to wait for James to make a mistake, which he didn't," he adds as I try to wrap my head around this whole thing.

This can't be possible, can it?
My father, a hunter working for Monroe?
"You don't believe me, do you?" Theo asks with a hurt expression and I look at him.
"I trust you," I inform "Because you wouldn't lie to me," I say "Especially not about something like that," I add and I can see the relief rushing over his face, his lips slightly twitching upward.
I smile back, pulling him into a hug and running my fingers through his his soft hair.
"I don't deserve you," he mumbles and I hold back the urge to punch his beautiful face for saying something like that.
"Don't say that," I say, hugging him tighter "It's true though," he informs as he pulls away.
I can tell that he's not lying, but "I don't want you to ever think that," I inform, looking at him sternly and he sighs looking down.
Our 'moment' gets interrupted by a phone beeping, announcing that I've received a new message and I fish the device out of my pocket.

Mischief: Cammie is asking for the two of you

                   She won't talk to anyone else
Me: We'll be right there

"Weren't you just at the station?" I ask and Theo shakes his head "I went to the grocery store to get some ingredients your mom forgot," he responds as I get off his lap.
"But I went to the station yesterday," he adds as he stands up.
"Did she tell you anything of importance?" I question as I put on my jacket "Not really," he responds "She wanted to play," he says "Mind-games mostly," he adds with a shrug as we leave the room.
"That's what she does," he points out as we walk down the stairs.
"No offence, but she didn't seem that evil when I met her," I inform and Theo shoots me a look "I didn't look evil either," he points out and he's right.
"Mom, we're gonna go out," I call "We'll be back for dinner," I add.
"Be careful boys," she calls from her office and we leave the house, getting into Theo's truck.
"Why is Cammie a thousand times worse than you?" I question because I'm curious and I can't help it.
"She killed more people than I have and that's a fact because I only killed four people and one of them was an accident," he explains "She killed six people three weeks ago as well as our parents, she also killed someone who worked in Eichen House and I'm pretty sure there are a lot more I don't know of," he adds.
"Maybe she had her reasons," I mumble "Are you seriously trying to defend her right now?" Theo exclaims "Well, you killed people and I forgave you, why shouldn't she get a chance?" I question.
"You forgave me because I stopped hurting people and because I sacrificed myself to save you," he exclaims "She didn't stop doing any of that and she won't stop," he informs "She was in a mental institution for christ sake," he finishes a she stops the car in the parking lot across the station. "Theo, there's not need to get mad," I inform "Why are you even angry?" I question as I go after him, pulling him back before he can enter the building.
"Why I'm mad?" he asks "Because you weren't that keen on believing I wasn't entirely evil," he responds "After I helped the pack on multiple occasions, you still treated me like shit," he exclaims the anger clearly audible in his voice and not only that, but the sparks are back and they're on both his hands now. "You just met my sister and she killed way more people than I have and you're saying 'She had her reasons'?" he exclaims "I was forced to do the things I did, it was what the Dread Doctors expected of me," he explains "Cammie did it all of her own will, she didn't need to be brainwashed and tortured to get the job done," he adds, his voice getting louder as he gets angrier and angrier, his claws coming out.
"Theo, I didn't know," I say softly "I told you that she was in Eichen House for most of her life and she killed our parents, which is why she ended up there in the first place," he informs, trying to calm back down.
Next thing I know, there's a 'bang' and everything goes black.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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