12. Assumption

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"Why did you drag me out here?" Scott questions as he pulls away from my grip "Because Liam doesn't know," I respond and a light bulb seems to light up in his head."James?" he exclaims "Maybe, I don't know," I respond "He is Monroe's right hand man," I explain "It could be possible," I add.
"Why is he after you specifically?" Scott asks "I already told you, he wants me to stay away from Liam," I answer.
"But if Cammie knows him, wouldn't she be dead by now?" he asks and he does have a point "Maybe she disguised herself, she is a shapeshifter after all," I explain "Or-" I add before thousands of different possibilities run through my head. "She's him," I finish, sharing a look with Scott.
He seems to catch on to what I'm implying and we both re-enter the station.
We walk directly to the cells, ignoring Liam's and Stiles' calls.
"You're the one who tried to kill me, aren't you?" I question stepping close to the bars and I hear Liam and Stiles enter the room.
"What are you talking about?" she questions, acting innocently. "In the woods a few weeks ago," I inform "Why would you think that?" she asks. "Because you're a shapeshifter and you can turn into anyone you want," I inform.
"You're him, aren't you?" I ask and she shakes her head.
"I'm not that stupid," she informs and we all look confused, especially Liam and Stiles considering they have no idea what's going on.
"I'm not stupid enough to take you without a plan," she elaborates and while the others are still confused, I know what she means.
The job was too sloppy to be her work, considering I'm still alive.
In the back of my head I was still hoping that James is innocent.
Now that it's confirmed that he's not, I still feel bad for lying to Liam and having to wait for him to make a mistake.
"So if you're not him then how did you hide in plain sight all those years?" I question and I doubt she'll give me an answer.
"You're smart, you figure it out," she informs and I sigh even though it's not a surprise.
"Why did you experiment on him?" Liam questions as I'm about to leave "I didn't experiment on anyone," Cammie informs "I don't have the skills," she adds.
"I did kidnap you thoug," she speaks up "Don't you remember?" she asks, looking at me and I shake my head "Not everything," I respond.
"Can you bring his memories back?"Liam asks "I wasn't responsible for the experiments and I had no idea that his memories were wiped in the first place," she explains and I shoot her a look because I know that she's lying even though there are no signs.
She's my sister after all.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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