14. We found them

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I wake up with a high-pitched sound in my ear and smoke everywhere.
After blinking a couple times, the scene gets a little clearer and the first thing I see is Theo.
Half of his face is burned and he's stuck under some rubble.
"Theo," I call out and when I try to crawl towards him, I feel pain in my side and look down to see that I have some metal stuck there.
I pull it out and blood starts spraying out, I put pressure on it, knowing it'll heal soon.

"Theo," I call again, making my way towards him, before kneeling down next to him, trying to wake him up.
He doesn't budge so I decide to get the rubble off him first.
He suddenly takes in a breath before coughing as he slowly opens his eyes. He blinks a couple of times before his gaze finally meets mine.

I help him sit up, earning a couple protests from Theo, telling how much pain he's in and I apologize multiple times before we sit there, looking at the damage that's been done to the station and the building next to it.
The house next to the station is completely destroyed while half of station is in pieces.
We share a look before I help him back to his feet by wrapping his arm around my shoulder and we make our way towards the station.
Before we can get inside though, I hear someone call my name and turn around to see Zac making his way towards us.
"Are you boys okay?" he asks looking us up and down "We'll heal," I inform, shooting him a reassuring smile "We have to go inside," Theo says "Stiles is in there," he adds and the concern on Zac's face is back as he turns to look at the station.
"You guys stay here," Zac says "I'll go help the firefighters find survivors," he adds.
"Let us help." I plead and Zac shakes his head "You guys need to heal," he demands and I sigh before nodding and carrying Theo somewhere quit.
I help him sit down on some steps before sitting next to him.
"You okay?" I questions and he shrugs as he runs his finger tips softly on his burns.
"How does it look?" he asks, turning his face a little look at me "It doesn't look bad if I'm honest," I respond, looking at the burned flesh of his chek.
"Does it hurt?" I ask, looking back at his grey eyes "Nah," he responds with a shrug "I've had worse," he informs "Pain Wise," he adds and I try not to think about what he went through.

"I'm sorry about before," Theo speaks up after a few minutes of silence "You don't have to apologize okay, you were right. I was too quick to think that Cammie is innocent, even when she's not," I exclaim and he shoots me a look I can't quite read before clearing his throat.
"We should call the other," he suggests and I look for my in my pocket to see that it's almost in half. "Where's yours?" I question looking up at him and he thinks for a second before his gaze wanders towards the rubble "Somewhere in there," he responds, motioning to it and I sigh.
"I'll be right back," I inform and he leans against the wall behind him, waiting while I go to the paramedics, asking the nurse if I can make a phone call.
The nurse hands me her cellphone and I dial Scott's number.
"Scott you have to come to the sheriff station," I say as soon as he picks up. "What's going on?" he questions "There has been an explosion," I respond "They're still trying to get the people out," I explain.
"Are you guys okay?" he questions and I can hear some shuffling on the other end of the line.
"Stiles is still inside and both Theo and I don't know if he's still alive," I respond and I can literally feel Scott's heart sinking. He is my Alpha after all.
"I'll be right there," he informs before hanging up and I thank the nurse as I hand her the phone back before returning to Theo who has his eyes closed.
"Theo?" I call and he opens his eyes to look up at me "Yeah?" he questions and I breathe in relief "I thought you were passed out," I inform. "I was about to fall asleep," he says as I sit down.next to him, leaning against the wall myself.

"Liam," I hear Scott call and I lift my head from Theo's shoulder, getting Scott's attention.
"Any news about Stiles?" he asks and I shake my head sadly. He sits down next to me, burying his head in his hands.
"He's gonna be okay," Theo informs, shooting him a sympathetic smile and Scott looks up at him to show his appreciation.
"What about you?" he asks, trying to get his mind off the possibility that his best friend of fifteen years could be dead.
"I'll be fine," Theo responds and Scott looks at the burns that are still visible on Theo's face.
"I was closer to the explosion, that's why there's more blood," Theo explains and I give him a once over to see that the side of his shirt is soaked in blood.

After what seems like forever, I see Zac making his way towards us.
"We found Stiles and the Sheriff," he informs and the three of us stand up looking at him expectantly "They're alive," he informs and we breathe in relief "But Stiles needs surgery," he adds.
"I'm gonna call the others," Scott informs "You guys can go to the hospital, I'll catch up," he adds and I nod my head and both Theo and I make our way to Theo's truck to see that it has some dents but "It still works," Theo informs before we drive off towards my house?
"We need to change clothes, I don't want any doctors asking if I'm okay," Theo informs as if reading my mind.

We finally reach the hospital and while Theo talks to Melissa about Stiles, I make my way to the waiting room to see the pack sitting there.
Scott and Lydia aren't in here so they could either be with Stiles or getting refreshments for everyone.
"He's still in surgery," Theo informs as he enters the room before we both sit with the others.
"What happened exactly?" Mason questions "Scott didn't tell us the details," he adds and I proceed to tell them the story, leaving out the part where Theo and I had a disagreement.
Scott soon enters the room, his face paler than usual and Theo lifts his head from my shoulder.
"Cammie is gone," Scott informs out of breath.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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