22. The End?

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Numb, that's how I feel right now.
Tears are still streaming down my face and I can't seem to be able to stop it.
Theo, the person I love and care about the most is lying lifeless on the ground and I'm still trying to get the Kanima-venom out of my system.
I close my eyes, trying to focus on my limbs and soon enough the feeling in my arms returns.

I pull myself away from the wall, dragging my still paralysed legs as I crawl towards him.
"How could you do this to me?" I whisper "We could've found another way," I add.
I throw my arm over his torso, laying my head on his chest in hopes of hearing his heartbeat.

When I don't hear one, I feel my heart break as sobs escape my lips, shaking my entire body in the process.
What hurts the most is that I couldn't say it back and even if I said it now, he wouldn't hear it.

I still can't believe that he's gone.

He didn't deserve it, especially after everything that's happened to him.

'Why did Edward tell him to do this in the first place? Did he know this would happen? Did he do it on purpose?'
I feel anger build up inside my chest and I want to rip the guy's head off.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep from the crying and the pounding headache, the door gets kicked open and in comes Agent McCall.
He stops dead on his tracks, his gaze wandering between me and Theo's corpse.

He then says something to his earpiece before helping me sit up with a lot of hesitation on my part. I can't use my legs, considering I didn't really focus on getting the venom out, so I can't really kick him away.
He pulls me into a hug, trying to comfort me as Melissa practically storms into the room with Zac and two other nurses, before taking Theo away.
Raphael then proceeds to wrap my arm around his shoulder, carrying me out of the building and into his truck.
"I want to see him," I mumble as I look out of the window, my voice breaking from the amount of sobbing I went through.
"We have to get the others first," he informs as he drives away.

I'm too weak to protest, so I just go along, watching as the officers put unconscious hunters into their vans.

The ride is silent and after a couple pit stops, we finally reach the hospital.
Raphael is suddenly replaced by a red-eyed Mason. Nolan and Corey have also been crying ever since they found out about it.
Stiles, Scott and Lydia are also really sad, but they're trying to stay strong for us.
Malia is being Malia, she might still not really like Theo, but she's showing sympathy considering I just lost someone really important to me.
Mason then proceeds to guide me to the morgue.
When we step into the freezing cold room, we halt in our tracks because Theo is nowhere to be seen.

He's gone

A/N I know this chapter is really short and I apologize
If you guys want, I could maybe write a sequel.
It's up to you.

P.S I'm starting University next week, so I don't know if I can keep posting sundays.
We'll see.

Here's also my new edit, I hope you enjoy and I'll see you next time

Love ya, see ya, bye

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