7. Josh

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"What is it?" Scott questions after seeing Theo's green-ish eyes "I think my sister is trying to bring Tracy's power back," Theo responds "Why?" Stiles questions and Theo shrugs "I have no idea, it's just a theory," he informs "Besides, we're not even sure that Cammie is the one who took me," he points out. "Do you have the kanima venom back?" Mason asks from his spot on the couch and Theo gets his claws out to see that they're still werewolf claws. "Is it just me or are they whiter than usual?" he asks and both Scott and I take a closer look "They look a lot sharper than mine," Scott points out as he compares their claws.
"And I don't see any venom," I say.
"Maybe it didn't work," Theo suggests as he retracts his claws.
"Or it takes a while to work," Corey speaks up.
"Mr. Douglas had to eat the brains of quite a lot of ghost riders and other creatures to become one," he explains "And it took a few days for Tracy to transform completely," Lydia points out.
"Where's Nolan?" I question when I notice he didn't come to our pack meeting.
"He's home," Mason responds "He said his mother came to visit," he adds and a phone vibrates.
All our eyes land on Theo as he grabs the phone from his pocket.
He frowns a little at the message.
"It's Nolan," he informs "He told me to look out of the window," he explains and we all turn around to look outside just in time to see a grenade launcher being fired.
Scott screams "Get down," before throwing himself on top of Stiles who threw himself on top of Lydia.
I feel Theo throwing me to the ground before covering me just in time before the grenade hits the table.
Instead of an explosion, there's a lot of smoke followed by guns being fired.

Once everything dies down, Theo slowly gets off of me coughing.
"Is anyone hurt?" I hear Scott ask and everybody gives some kind of verbal sign to say that they're okay.
Everyone except Theo.
I look at him, trying to make out his features in the smoke.
He's awake and breathing.
"I'll heal," he informs when he notices my glance and I frown a little before seeing the blood on the side of his stomach.
"What the hell was that?" Mason exclaims as everyone starts to stand up.
"Hunters probably," Stiles responds and I help Theo back to his feet.
"We have to find somewhere else to do our pack meetings before they completely destroy my house," Scott says as he looks around at the damage the bullets caused.
"Nolan's house has a lot more security and not many people know where it is," Corey points out.
"What about his parents?" Lydia asks.
"His mom lives in Florida and only comes twice a year," Mason informs "And he hasn't seen his dad in days," I add, finishing Mason's sentence.
"Because his dad is a Hunter," Theo speaks up "He could be dead for all I know," he adds.
"Why would you think that?" Mason asks and Theo shrugs "I don't know," he informs "I think I saw his name somewhere," he responds and I share a look with Scott before my gaze wanders back to Theo "Are your memories coming back?" Stiles asks "I don't know," Theo responds, his face crunching up a bit and i look down to see more blood gushing out of his wound.
"Shouldn't it be healed by now?" Corey asks when he notices it as well. "Is it wolfsbane?" Stiles asks and Theo shakes his head "But the bullet might be stuck on something," he informs as he tries to stay awake.
"I don't want to go to the hospital again," he adds before Scott can open his mouth to suggest it.
"Then I'm gonna have to take it out," Scott informs and Theo sits up a little for better access.
Theo's grip tightens on the armrest as Scott digs into the wound.
Pain is written all over his face and he's trying really hard not to scream in agony.
"I'm almost there," Scott informs.
Next thing I know, there's a bright spark and Scott flies across the room, hitting his back on the broken table.
"What the hell just happened?" Mason exclaims, still in shock and Theo manages to mumble a 'sorry' before more sparks emerge from his body.
He tries to get up, but his wound is to deep and he still has to get the bullet out.
The electrical sparks aren't that big, but they're still dangerous to us, I mean Scott literally flew across the room.
"Josh's power might be back as well," Theo says as he gets his claws out "You think," Stiles exclaims, sarcasm clear in his voice and Theo rolls his eyes before digging into the wound himself.
The sparks stop as soon as he gets the bullet out and throws it away, his wound heals in a matter of seconds afterwards.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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