6. Blank

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When there's a knock on the door I quickly get up to open it.
As soon as my eyes land on Theo, the relief rushes through my body and I practically jump on top of him, hugging him as if my life depended on it.
I'm afraid to let go, afraid that he'll disappear again if I do.
"Liam, I'm okay," he informs, softly pushing me away "Don't worry," he informs before guiding me back inside the house and into the living room where everyone else just sat down.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Mason speaks up, trying to avoid any more silence.
"I don't know what happened," Theo responds "I don't remember," he informs and I frown a little even though I can tell that he's not lying.
"What do you remember?" I ask softly "I remember seeing a video of my sister before leaving to go after her," he responds "Next thing I know, I'm at the tunnels with Scott saying that I've been gone for days," he adds.
"I'm just glad you're okay," I say, patting his back "Am I?" he asks, turning to look at me, uncertainty in his voice.
"Don't worry, we'll figure it out," Scott informs, shooting him a reassuring smile.
"Should we take him to Melissa or something?" Malia asks "Yeah, maybe she can tell if the amnesia is either permanent or temporary," Mason suggests "I think that's a good idea," Scott points out and Theo stands up followed by me.
"I'm going to the station, maybe my dad found some clues about the corpses on the recording," Stiles informs, before saying his goodbyes.
"I have to study for AP Biology," Corey informs, shooting a look at Mason.
"I'll see you at school," Mason says, shooting me a look and I say my goodbyes before walking out of the house with Theo.
The jeep is already gone with Stiles and Lydia in it.
Scott and Malia get onto the motorcycle while Theo and I have to walk all the way to the hospital because his truck is in my driveway.
I should really get myself a car.
Having to ask for a ride all the time is starting to suck and I'm pretty sure I'm getting on everyone's nerves by now.
"I'm sorry," Theo says out of nowhere, interrupting my thoughts and I look up at him, frowning a little "For what?" I ask in return.
"For storming out of Scott's place and disappearing for days," he responds "That wasn't your fault," I point out.
"I should've told you about why I left in the first place," he informs.
"You said that you knew what Cammie was after," I say "What is it?" I ask.
"Me," he responds, looking anywhere but me and I shoot him a questioning look even though he might not see it.
"How did she know you were still alive?" I ask "If she didn't know before, I'm pretty sure she does now," he informs "But why would she be after you in the first place?" I question. "Maybe she wants revenge for what I did to Tara," he responds with a shrug.
"If Cammie was the one who kidnapped you, wouldn't she have killed you already instead of wiping your memories?" I half-question.
"That's a good point," he informs "Maybe she's playing a game," he says "She loves playing games," he adds.
"Then we'll have to figure out what her game plan is," I suggest.
"We can work on that as soon as I get my memories back," he promises as we take a turn towards the hospital parking lot.
"Let's just hope the amnesia isn't permanent," I speak up as we enter the building.

"It's temporary," Melissa informs after getting the results.
"Whatever your sister did, didn't cause too much damage so your memories will be back in the next week or so," she informs.
"What did she do?" I ask before Theo can open his mouth to say it.
"I can't really tell, you're brain looks normal apart from the amnesia," Melissa responds "What about the rest of my body?" Theo questions "There was nothing either," she answers "Why? Do you feel different?" she asks, shooting him a questioning look.
"A little," he responds "It's kinda hard to explain," he informs and Melissa grabs a stool to sit in front of him.
"Whatever it is could have affected your wolf side, maybe that's the reason Melissa didn't find anything," I suggest.
"You might be right," she speaks up before grabbing a small flashlight.
"Can you turn?" she asks and Theo does as told before getting a light into his face.
"Their reaction is fine," she informs "But?" I drag on knowing that there's more. "Is this normal for a werewolf?" she questions, motioning for me to take a look and I hop off my spot next to Theo to stand in front of him.
"It's not," I respond, looking at the tint of green in Theo's golden eyes "What is it?" Theo asks, his eyes wandering up to look at me.
"It seems that your eyes are changing into green," Melissa responds and Theo adverts his gaze back to her.
"Werewolves don't have green eyes, not even the lowest rank that exists," he informs "Yeah, Omega's have blue eyes," I inform and Theo shakes his head "There are werewolves with an even lower rank. They're extremely rare," he inorms "I don't remember what they're called but they had greyish white eyes," he explains.
"What does have green eyes?" Melissa asks, curiosity in her dark brown eyes and I shrug.
"Mr. Douglas," Theo speaks up and I frown a little "Weren't they red?" I question "In the beginning, yes," he responds "But after eating the brain of the ghost riders, they turned green," he explains.
"So your sister turned you into a ghost rider?" Melissa asks "Not necessarily," Theo says and we look at him confused "Tracy had green eyes," he informs, responding our unspoken question "But she was a Kanima," I point out and he shoots me a look as if implying something.
After a couple seconds I realise what he's talking about.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask looking at him "Maybe," he responds and Melissa sits between us with confusion written all over her face.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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