9. Dinner

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"Where are you going?" Scott asks as I stand up and grab my jacket "I told my mum I would be home for dinner," I respond.
"Be careful," Lydia says, with concern in her eyes "I'll drive you over," Theo speaks up before Mason can open his mouth to do the same and they both share a look.
"Let's go," I say with a small smile and Theo puts his jacket on before walking next to me, out of the loft and into his truck.

"Before we go, can we talk about earlier?" he asks timidly, trying to avoid eye contact.

"What about it?" I ask innocently, trying not to blush or make a fool out of myself.

"I have no idea what I was thinking," he informs and I try not to seem hurt by it.

"I just had this impulse to do it," he explains. "If I'm honest, I've never felt anything like it," he informs and the hurt is completely gone now.

"I did have a crush on Stiles when we were kids, but never anything as strong and unfamiliar," he adds and I frown a little, a small smile creeping up on my face.

"You had a crush on Stiles?" I ask and he shrugs "Stiles and I were really close as kids, not as close as him and Scott were, but still...," he drags on.

"He had a massive crush on Lydia though," he informs "And now they're dating," he finishes.

"I'm really happy for them, I just have no idea how he managed to win her over," he explains.

"Theo, you don't have to feel bad for the kiss," I say "It happens," I inform "And it did jog your memory," I point out and he turns on the engine "You were the one who kissed me first," he says as he pulls out of the parking spot "True," I says as we make our way to my house.
"Why did you do it?" he asks "You were having a panic attack and I did the first thing that came to mind," i respond and he shoots me a quick look with an eyebrow raised.

"There's more to it, isn't there?" he asks and I shake my head.

"You're a terrible liar Dunbar," he says, chuckling at the end and I can't help but smile at how cute it is.

"No seriously, why did you do it?" he questions as he calms down.

"Ever since you sacrificed yourself at the hospital, I started thinking differently about you," I respond "I know that I've been an ass to you ever since you came back from hell, but whatever happened you down there, you came back a changed man," I explain.
"Then you helped us with the hunters and when you took Gabe's pain away I realized that you do care, that you're not just some heartless villain," I add and I can practically feel Theo's happiness fading at the last part.
As I'm about to apologise, he says it's okay and that I'm right.

"I was raised by the Dread Doctors for half my life," he informs "And ever since I came back from hell, I feel like I might not have a heart at all," he adds and I frown a little "Why would you think that?" I ask, but my question is left unanswered when he parks the car in my driveway before stepping out of the vehicle.

"Theo," I call as I step out of the vehicle myself "What happened to you down there?" I question, but he doesn't say anything, instead he knocks on the door and he freezes when he sees my dad is the one to open it.

"Dad what are you doing here?" I question, frowning a little. "I'm here for dinner," he responds and Theo breaks from his trance. "I gotta go back to Scott's," he stutters, but before he can leave, I manage to grab him by the hand, pulling him back. "Stay here," I say, intertwining our fingers "Don't leave me alone, please," I plead giving him puppy dog eyes and ignoring the look my dad shot me when I took Theo's hand.

"Fine," Theo says, giving in.

His grip tightens on my hand as I guide him inside.

"Since when are you two dating?" James questions and both Theo and I almost choke on our drinks.

"We're not dating," I respond, putting by my glass back down.

"I'm just saying that I don't mind if you are," James informs, sharing a quick look with Theo and Theo looks down to avoid any further eye contact.

"James," mom speaks up "I have you permission to have dinner with us tonight, not make our son and his friend uncomfortable," she adds and my dad shuts up immediately.

"Where's Zac?" I ask, trying to change the subject "He's working a extra shift at the hospital," she responds, shooting me an apologetic smile.

"Honey, are you okay?" mom questions and before I can answer, I see her gaze is on Theo."I'm fine," he responds and I look at him to see that he's a little paler than usual "You don't seem fine," she points out and Theo asks if he can be excused and my mom nods her head so he stands up before going upstairs.

"I'll be right back," I inform, standing up and going upstairs. I find Theo sitting on my bed, close to a panic attack.

"What's going on?" I ask, crouching down in front of him "You won't believe me," he informs "Believe what?" I ask worryingly "I can't," he says.

"Theo, you have to talk go me, you can't keep going on like this," I explain and as he's about to say something, he shuts his mouth after seeing something behind me and I turn my head to see my dad entering the bathroom across my room. 

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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