19. T.J

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"You know where Monroe is?" I question before Theo gets the chance to before getting up to stand next to Theo.
Edward then proceeds to tell us to follow him before guiding us to another room.
"If you know where she is, why didn't you go after her yourself?" I question "Because I was busy trying to track down her goonies," he responds before turning to Theo, "And I've heard one of them is related to your boyfriend," he says and I gulp while Theo looks petrified.
"Don't worry, I'm not homophobic," Edward informs "But I do hate hunters," he adds and I look down, "It's not your fault," Edward informs and I look back up at him "We don't choose our parents," he informs, shooting me a sympathetic look before shooting Theo a apologetic look.
Theo's face softens a bit before he clears his throat. "Our objective is to capture the hunters, not kill them or 'take care of them' as you call it," he explains.
"Monroe has a squeaky clean record, I doubt anyone will lock her up," Edward says "And if they do put her in prison, her goonies can get her back out, these guys are everywhere," he informs "It's just the four of us, we can't be everywhere, that's why we need you," Edward explains.
"Four of you?" Theo and I question at the same time with the same confused expression on our faces.
"Carol, Dr. Andrews, me and Thomas," Edward explains and Theo's eyes widen a bit "Hanson?" he questions with a frown, not believing his dad for some reason and Edward nods his head.
"T.J's alive?" Theo questions still in denial and his dad looks confused "Of course he's alive, why wouldn't he be?" Edward questions but before Theo can answer, I interrupt him.
"Who's T.J?" I question looking up at him, trying to hold back the light feeling of jealousy creeping up inside of me. "Remember the accident I told you about? The fourth person I killed?" Theo asks, turning to look at me "That's him," he informs.
"If you killed him, how is he alive?" I ask and Theo shrugs before shooting his dad a questioning look.
"Maybe you were imagining things because as far as I know, Thomas is human so he didn't magically heal like we do," Edward informs.
"How did you find him?" Theo question "I didn't, he came to me," Edward responds.
"And where is he?" Theo asks.

"He's our inside man, working undercover as a Hunter," Cammie responds as she stands back up "Where?" I ask before Theo has the chance to and before any of them can answer, there's a beep and we turn around to see that it's a communications device. One much better than a walkie talkie.
"Boss, we have two intruders in the base," the person on the other line informs and Theo seems to recognise the voice so I guess that's T.J. and he's British and not just British, he's from London.
I would recognise that accent anywhere considering my mom was born in London and she never lost her accent.
She refuses to use the American accent even though she's been living in California for the last fifteen years.
Yes I was born in London as well, I just never adapted to the accent for some reason.
"The hunters are taking them both to do a check up and see if they're inhuman," T.J informs.
"Could we get a visual?" Edward questions, pressing a button on the com.
"They wouldn't let me in," T.J responds.
"Give us a visual as soon as you can," Edward "Of course Boss," T.J informs.
Theo's eyes suddenly widen and he asks his dad where T.J is located.
"The hunters have a base by the containers and we sent him there," Edward responds and Theo gulps loudly before turning to me.
"The two intruders are our guys," he informs and I frown a little in confusion "Nolan said that he had a lead and that it was located by the containers where Scott learned to control his senses," Theo explains "Nolan was gonna ask Mason to go with him before we both came here," he adds and my heart starts beating faster at the thought of my best friend being captured by hunters.
"If your friends are human, they won't have any problems," Edward promises.
"They will have a lot of problems if Monroe is there," Theo informs.
"We have to get them out," I exclaim, trying to calm my heartbeat before my I.E.D kicks in.

"What are you doing?" Cammie questions as I fish my phone out of my pocket. "I'm calling my Alpha," I inform as I dial Scott's number "He can't know where we are," she informs "I'm not gonna tell him, don't worry," I promise before pressing the call button and putting the phone up to my ear.
"Liam, where the hell are you?" Scott questions as soon as he picks up. "It doesn't matter right now," I say "We have a situation," I inform "What kind of situation?" he asks "Nolan and Mason are in a Hunter's base and they're gonna be screwed if Monroe sees them," I explain "You know where she is?" Scott asks "No, but I think she might go there," I inform and he asks me about the location "Somewhere by the containers you trained at," I respond.
"We're on our way," he says "You need to be careful, if they catch you they can determine whether or not you're human and when they find out you're not, you're dead," I explain.
"We'll keep an eye out," Scott promises "And can you please come back?" he adds or rather demands.
"I will," is all I tell him before saying goodbye and hanging up my phone.
"Boss, I have a visual," T.J informs, interrupting the silence and Edward goes to a laptop.
"That's them," Theo informs when we see Nolan and Mason being guided out of a container.
"What did they do to them?" I question when I see how pale my friends are.
"Just some testing to check if they're human or not," Edward responds and I can tell that Theo is mentally facepalming himself as he distances himself from the computer.
"I should've told them to wait," Theo speaks up, and I look up at him "Nolan told me that he might have found something concerning the bombers and I told him he shouldn't go alone," Theo explains "I should've told him to stay put," he adds.
"You know how Nolan is, he wouldn't have listened," I say, making my way towards him. "It's not your fault okay," I say, taking a hold of his hand and giving it a squeeze. He then proceeds to look at me with his puppy dog eyes, which make me kinda weak in the knees.

I probably shouldn't be thinking about that sort of stuff, my friends could be in danger.
"Thomas, don't let these two out of your sight," Edward speaks into the com.
"No matter what happens, don't lose them," he adds.
"Sure thing boss," T.J responds and Edward shuts the laptop.
"How are you gonna do this?" Theo questions "You're a group of four and we're a group of nine," Theo informs "Actually eight people because Stiles is badly injured and he can't help," he says "And we do have the sheriff station and the FBI on our side, but you already knew that because you've been watching me for the past few weeks," he adds.
"What's your plan?" he finishes.
"The hunters have six bases in total and we'll take six pairs and send them to each base, that way we can deactivate their security and incarcerate them," Edward explains. "We should talk to Scott, make sure he's willing to help," he adds but before he can go anywhere, Theo stops him. "I'm sorry but you're not going. You went to prison for some reason and we can't have you there, so just... stay put," Theo says "We'll take Cammie, she can maybe convince them," he adds and Edward sighs before giving us permission to go.
"Theo, can I talk to you for a second?" Edward calls before we're able to walk out of the room.
"In private," he adds and I sigh before walking outside to Cammie's car.
Theo comes back after a minute or two and sits on the passenger seat.
"What did he want?" I question "He just tried to apologise," Theo responds before sharing a look with Cammie and she seems to know what he's thinking.


A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy

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