17. "Holy Shit"

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"Nolan what have we got?" I ask as I enter the sheriff's office with Liam by my side.
"I managed to restore the data that was lost during the explosion, I just need Stiles to find the guy's mugshot," he responds and Liam goes outside to call Stiles in.
It's been about two days since Stiles was discharged from the hospital.
He's not allowed to walk around a lot as to not burst his stitches, so he's been sitting around with Lydia and Parrish in the other room. Waiting for Nolan to finish recovering the lost data.
Lydia walks in and holds the door open while Liam helps Stiles walk to the computer and sit down on the chair.
While Stiles is searching for the mugshot, I stand next to Nolan.
"Did you find anything concerning the hunters that installed the bomb?" I ask and he shrugs "I might have something, I have to look at it though," he informs.
"Whatever you do, don't go on your own," I say, patting his shoulder and he nods his head "I'll ask Mason," he says and I shake my head "Mason is human, he could get hurt too," I point out.
"I can't go with anyone supernatural," Nolan says "They know if you aren't human," he informs and he makes a solid point but "You could have Corey with you, to make you invisible if something happens," I suggest and he sighs. "Where is it?" I question "Just in case we need to save you," I add "By the big containers where Scott learned to use his senses properly," he responds and before I can say anything else, Stiles gets our attention and we both make our way towards him.
I look at the picture and I frown before taking a second look "Holy shit," I mumble.
"You know this guy?" Stiles questions looking up at me and I return the look "You met him when we were in the third grade," I respond and it looks like a lightbulb goes on in his head.
"You said he was dead," he exclaims "That's what I thought," I point out, walking away from computer to think.
"Who is he?" Lydia asks "That's Theo's dad," Stiles responds and everything after that seems like a blur to me.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact that both my sister and my dad are alive and the fact that they hid from me for eight years.
I spent eight years thinking I lost my entire family.
I never had the courage to admit it, but I felt guilty for killing Tara. I only realized how much it hurt when I was in hell with her ripping my heart out over and over again.
I'm brought back to reality by someone laying their hand on the small of my back and I blink to see Liam looking at me concerned. When I turn around, the whole pack has the same expression on their faces.
Scott is also here, which I didn't even notice.
"I was wrong," I speak up, my gaze directed at Scott "Cammie wasn't talking about James," I say "She was talking about your dad?" Scott questions, catching onto what I'm trying to say.
"Did you see him anywhere?" Stiles questions and I shake my head before answering "Maybe," and I can tell that Stiles is mentally facepalming himself. "If you did, you don't remember," he points out as if reading my mind.
"You told Cammie that you didn't remember what happened," Liam says "And also what you remember," Stiles says "Which wasn't much at the time," I add.
"Why would he be after you though?" Liam questions and I shrug before I see something in the corner of my eye. "I'll be right back," I inform before walking out of the room and exiting the station, with Liam behind me.

I don't blame Liam for coming after me, considering I was kidnapped the last time I walked out on the pack.
I turn the corner to see none other than Carol Elisabeth Raeken standing there, leaning on the wall.
As I'm about to get closer, she lifts her hand up, telling me to stop and I do as told, Liam stopping next to me.
"Dad is alive isn't he?" I question "It was him you were talking about wasn't it?" I add and she frowns a little "I thought you knew," she says and I sigh "I told you that I didn't remember what happened," I say and she looks down as if in thought.
"The Dread Doctors told me you killed him," I inform and she looks up confused "I didn't," she exclaims. "Yeah, right," I say, not believing her one bit, "I'm being serious Theo, I haven't killed anyone," she informs "That's bullshit," I exclaim "I saw the tape with you standing around half a dozen corpses with blood drenched clothes," I point "The blood was from me peeling my skin off," she explains "These guys were already dead when I got there," she adds and I feel something in my gut that's telling me to believe her, which I can't.
"If you didn't kill these people, which is a big if, why did you try to drown me when we were kids?" I question and her eyes widen "Who gave you that idea?" she questions "When I was younger, I kept asking about you and both mom and Tara always said that you tried to drown me and that's why you had to be sent away," I respond. "Bullshit," she exclaims "I didn't do it. It was Tara," she informs and I frown in confusion "Don't get me wrong, I am a sociopath, but I never hurt you," she explains "What about the accident?" I question, crossing my arms "Not me," she responds, crossing her arms as well, "It was Tara," she adds. "Why are you putting the blame on her?" I ask, getting a little agitated.
"You really don't remember, do you?" she asks "You do remember how our parents were right?" she asks and I nod my head "Tara was always their favourite, that's why they wouldn't accept that she was just as crazy as I am," Cammie explains
"So dad accepts you now? Even though you're as much of a sociopath as I am?" I question "It's been eight years Theo and dad is the same as we are, he always has been," she explains "Where do you think we got our darkness from?" she asks and I drop my hands back to my side "I still don't understand why I remember you crashing the car," I point out and she sighs, dropping her arms to her side before slowly stepping closer to me.
Liam lets his claws and fangs out and I put my arm in front of him "It's okay," I say, shooting him a reassuring look and he turns back to human.
"What are you doing?" I question, watching as Cammie lifts her hand up to caress my cheek and I resist the urge to lean into the touch.
"I'm going to help you remember," she informs before grabbing both sides of my head with her hands and everything goes black.

When my sight goes back to normal, I lose balance, but Cammie is able to hold me up.
She holds me by the arms until I'm not dizzy anymore and I feel tears forming in my eyes.
"My whole life has been a lie," I mumble, shooting Liam a look. He looks worried and confused and I'm still not over the fact that Cammie wasn't lying about the accident.
I turn to look at her again and I feel a tear run down my cheek "I'm sorry," I half-whisper and Cammie looks at me with the most loving eyes she can muster "It's not your fault baby brother," she informs, pulling me into a hug and I hold onto her as if my life depended on it.
She runs her soft fingers through my hair in a attempt to calm me down.
"You know how mother was," she says "You couldn't have done anything about that Theo," she adds and I slowly pull away, wiping my face.
"Why did you kidnap me?" I ask, because I honestly want to know. "That was dad's idea," she informs "He didn't want your friends to know where we were staying," she adds "And why did you blow up the house next to the sheriff station?" Liam asks as if reading my mind. "Dad did install a small explosive on the back of the sheriff station to get me out, but someone beat him to it. As he was about to press the button, the house next door exploded," she explains "What about the tape we found?" I ask "It was edited to make it look like I was the one who murdered the men on it," she informs "Why?" Liam questions before I even get the chance to. "Because the hunters want to show the humans how 'evil' the supernatural creatures are," she explains "They want to eliminate us," she informs "What better way to do that then to 'prove' how unpredictable we can be or what we're capable of," she finishes and she's right, even Liam knows that.

"Do you want to go and see dad?" Cammie asks after a few seconds of silence and I share a look with Liam "Only if he can come too," I say and Cammie shoots Liam a look before a sigh leaves her lips and she motions for us to follow her.
"What about Scott?" Liam questions as we go after Cammie "You can tell them that we'll come back later," I inform and he fishes his new phone out of his back pocket before texting Scott.

"Theo, before you go in, can I talk you," Cammie says "In private," she adds, shooting Liam a quick look, he doesn't budge and I tell Cammie to go ahead before turning to Liam and grabbing both of his hands. "You trust me don't you?" I ask and he nods his head "But I don't trust her," he informs and I sigh "Liam, she's not gonna do anything okay, just sit here and let me talk to her," I say "And please don't listen in on the conversation," I plead and he sighs before nodding in agreement. "Thank you," I whisper, leaning in and kissing him softly.
"I'll be right back," I inform after pulling away and he sits down before I search for my sister.
"What do you want to talk about?" I ask as soon as I find her. "What happened to you while I was gone?" she asks and she seems really interested "I hurt people, manipulated them and killed some for power," I inform "I served my time. In hell, with Tara who ripped my heart out, over and over again," I inform "Liam got me out of there and now I'm here, talking to you," I finish. "You've changed," she points out "Hell will do that to you," I point out and she shakes her head a little "That's not it," she informs with a small smile and I cross my arms, trying to hold back a blush or any sign of my nervousness. "It's Liam isn't it?" she asks "What about him?" I ask, trying not to look flustered. "You love him don't you?" she asks and I clear my throat "What makes you think that?" I question, trying not to give it away and she chuckles. "You seem happier," she says with a shrug "And the way you look at him, screams adoration," she says and I look down, giving it all away "That's adorable," she chimes and I hold back the urge to punch that smug look off her face. "Can we just go and see dad now?" I question and she sighs "Okay, fine," she says before guiding me out of the room "Loverboy," she mumbles and I shoot her a glare before we reach Liam and enter another room.

A/N: Here's my edit, just in case you wanna watch it now, enjoy 

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