Hey guys I know you are all waiting for chapter eight and trust me its coming in real soon but before that I would like to answer some questions that some of you have been asking and also I'll like to share more to you on what projects I have for you.I'll also be updating the FAQ almost the end of every month and I'll be answering questions asked frequently or any clarifications on my works.So please read this am sure it will be of help to both you and me:
Who is lukreshanataly?
I would say that am a seventeen year old writer with a lot of ambitions in life. I have never been really good at anything in my life except for writing. I started writing when I was nine years old and in high school I wrote a lot of scripts which hopefully I will be able to share with you and tell me what you think.
This is a question that I have been asked by a lot of people. UNSIGHTED original version I wrote it in 2016 back in high school and I cant really explain what really inspired me but I would say that I wanted something unique something that would incorporate high school drama, love, fiction and mystery. About the chapters,,, to say the truth I really don't know. Actually I just start writing and thoughts come following in my mind from nowhere I cant really say how long it will be before its completed but I can say that we really have a long way to go so just chill out and continue reading. okay?
Do you have an updating schedule that we could follow?.
That was my original plan but just to clear things out. I finished high school last year and currently engaged in short courses of android development and website design so lets just say am an IT kind of person. So the problem with IT personalities is that you never really have a program because you are always coding trying to keep with the changing trends and sometimes I got to admit its really hard to make a timetable and actually follow it. So whenever I get a chance I always try to update but I would say my vision is to atleast have three updates every week for now before I complete school.
What plans do you have in future regarding wattpad
I think I just found something that I have been looking for all my life and I have a lot of stories that I will be sharing with you guys. I just need to finish school and maybe before I join college ill try doing a lot more than just one book.
Don't you ever get tired doing something that you are not even paid for?
Like I said I have never really been good at anything but writing. For me writing is more of a thing that I love doing whenever, wherever , however. Actually about been paid? People reading my books and loving it is the best pay I have ever gotten. In Africa especially my country Kenya writing is not so appreciated and actually to be recognized as an author you have to really really put a lot of effort of which Kenyans been poor readers if you were doing the writing for an income you will just end up disappointed. So to actually write for one month and receive more than 300 reads is for me overwhelming enough than any amount of money in the world.
Crazy ideas from a crazy author
So I have been thinking as much as it is tough to update one book with all that is going on in my life, I have talked to my close friends and they think that my crazy idea which is actually crazy might work.
So Unsighted is still continuing but am working on another book called WRONG MOVES TO THE RIGHT GUY! That will be launching in a couple of weeks. How Crazy is that ? I know right but am finishing school soon so it will be me, my laptop and wattpad .
i sincerely suck when it comes to socializing so I never considered social media a lot but you guys are opening me up to a world where I think I can use a few more friends and see a little more than just me. So I will be opening new accounts that I will let you know soon but for the mean time here are sites you can get me on this newly created accounts
· Lukreshanataly @instagram(I need followers)
· Lukresha Gechi @facebook
· Snapchat? I actually had an account but I forgot the username
· Lukreshanataly youtube channel
· Lukreshanataly's store@wordpress
For now just follow me there feel free to talk to me send me anything you feel could help me in my writing like covers for my books, video trailers what you think certain characters would lokk like, just anything I will surely appreciate.
Meanwhile start preparing a tea party to welcome me into the world of tumblr and twitter.
What's changing soon
Actually not much but I will be dedicating chapters to my biggest supporters and I'll be sharing a lot with you guys so just keep in touch.
Thank you guys so much in one month I never thought I would ever accomplish such a welcome in wattpad. Continue voting continue sending emails trust you me even though I don't reply I read each and every email or comment and you guys are what keep me writing you are what keeps my dream alive. I love you so much you are the best. Continue sharing with your friends continue reading and I will continue updating. Please I need more followers on wattpad can you guys please grant me that favour please???
HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE!!!!!!! Make sure to share with me memories how you will spend your easter. I'll send mine though am sure I will be on my laptop for the four days.
Love Natalia.

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl