Dedicated to muthamazz & 254luke
Heey guys please don't ignore my comments below the end of this chapter okay?
I would like us to make a deal,,,, if you guys help me to move from vote 94 to votes 165,,,, I send you a trailer of this book on the account of my friend amber deal? All you need to do is to press the star button at the bottom of the screen and tell all your friends to do the same okay?
Enjoy the story though this is a bonus chapter i didn't want to continue the story in a hurry,,, more details at the end of the chapter.
It was pretty evident that Callan's mom really didn't like me by the way she looked at me whenever I did anything. Probably she thought I was just another girl after their money. She kept glancing at me every now and then when I was been taken to my room.
Calla left because he could see clearly that his mother had no intention of leaving Wynn's "bedroom".
"Goodnight zinc tomorrow we got sin rehearsals".
As if it mattered to me I was never examined in school because who would examine an invisible person?
Soon it was just me and mars Numen.I was about to go to sleep when she said
"Hello Zynn Siyan"
(don't forget the writer's comment at the end of the chapter)
Wait how did she know my second name? I had come to understand that Callan was very secretive to tell anyone my name so how did she know?
As if reading my thoughts "surprised much?",,,,,, "look I don't want us to be on wrong terms with each other because I can see my son likes you a lot,,,,,,,, but just you know I understand what is totally going on here so don't try fooling me,,,, you can fool my husband, son and everybody else but you certainly cant fool me,,,, I am more to what I look like,,,,,okay?"
Still surprised " But,,,, what did I do wrong? ,,,,,, I mean why would,,,," before I continued I was interrupted.
"Zynn please,,,,, don't fool around with me,,,,,,,, i can make your life a living hell,,,,, warning stay away from my son,,,,, I gave that stupid fight long time ago and am not taking chances with you trying to reveal the past with my son,,,, if you have a problem with the Bravers ,,,,,,deal with it yourself don't get my son involved,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have come so far to let such a small little siyan girl to destroy my life again,,, "
"who the hell are you people?" I asked pretty confused and shocked.
Just then the mayor mr Numen came in.
"Everything okay honey?" addressing his wife whose eyes were still focused on me.
"yes I just came to check if my son's guest was okay but now I can see she is fine and we had a little chat so I think now I can go back to our room and let her have a goodnight sleep"
"mmm, that nice so if you ladies are done talking we can be going now to let you rest,,,"
Mrs Numen waking up from my bed "yes sure"
(I know am annoying but please the writer's comment down there)
I was still gazing at her she was not totally what she seemed,,,,,,,
"Goodnight Zynn,,,,,, and remember what we talked abou us is between us okay? We don't want it to get bad out there do we really?" in half threatening tone half fake smiling. This woman was evil. I could already tell that.
When she was gone her words still lingered in my mind. I was now beginning to join more dots. It seems she had a history with us and the Braver. I could not totally figure out who she was really in this whole story but I think I could now understand why the Unman family could see us.
I was convinced that calla had no idea what his mother had just told me. If she weren't that much of bitch maybe I could have told her that I was not the one after Calla but the BRAVERS were after Calla and I. The more I thought about it the more I saw that it was inevitable for Calla and I not to work together.
I wasn't afraid of Calla's mother infect I pitied her because her son would oneday find out the truth and when that day comes maybe it would be too late to save him from the Bravers.
I was supposed to have a quiet scandal free senior year. This was not happening was it?
I went to sleep and tried not to think about it. As much as I wanted to avoid it I knew I had to go back home and ask answers from grandma that was the only way to prepare for the upcoming war.
Hey guys this I think is the shortest chapter in the whole book but don't worry because I didn't actually intend to write it. It's a bonus chapter. Right now am really supposed to be working on my school project and my finals will be coming in a few weeks time so as you have guessed I really need a lot of time with my books and especially my project. so the bad news is I wont be updating my book for I think in the next three to four weeks,,,,, I know ,,, frustrating right? But the good news is that once am done with school I'll be free for about three months before joining university,,, so yea I will be updating until you get tired of me.
SO please don't stop telling you friend about unsighted and please§ please vote am begging you we are currently at number 346 from rating 900 and am so proud of all of you for achieving such success in less than a month but I want u to get to the top I know its possible guys but I cant do this alone,,, I need you onboard,,,,,,,,,,wouldn't you like unsighted to win an award? Wouldn't you?.
Feel free to talk to me on any social platform (visit the FAQ if you haven't seen my handles yet) email me send me covers of what you think unsighted book cover should look like, you can also send me trailers, comments on the book ask me questions etc,,,, am human I don't bite,,,,,,,,, and I sincerely need followers on instagram I thought we talked about this,,,,, we agreed I open an insta account and you guys follow me to get more on unsighted,,,,, you are letting me down guys,,,, you are breaking my heart,,,,,
Anyway I love you so much and you guys make me feel inspired to write more,,,,,,, I love you family,,,,,, UNSIGHTED FANS YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROUP HUG!!!!!!
Love ,
Natalia(I'll be back sooner than you know it)

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl