I looked up to see the deepest green eyes looking at me with one of the most priceless smiles. What is wrong with me? "hey Zynn" he said sweetly .
"Oh Corbryn hey!" I said "I thought you were already gone school ended like one hour ago?"
"well since no one wanted to take me round the school I took myself and as fate had it I only know the field so here I am" he said and I couldn't help but smile at how he put it "so now me that's a reasonable explanation what about you,,,,, what you doing here alone? Practicing black magic?" he said before we both laughed.
"now that you said it I think I should I hear its pretty interesting" I said laughing
"yeah imagine just saying some words and you get all As without even putting any effort that would be awesome" he said as we both smiled "may i?"asking whether he could join me seating on the bench.
"yeah sure go ahead" I said "anyway I just came here to you know,,,,"
"I don't think I know" he said "there are so many things one could do in the middle of a field you know one of them is screaming like a crazy lady " as he smiled "so which one is it?"
"you are really funny Corbryn you know that? Anyway came here to clear my head and just think about life in general" I said looking at the skies "there is a certain peace in silence and fresh air that is so amazing I cant even explain it"
"yeah " he said also looking up "its good once in a while to move away from the population and just you know,,,listen to that inner guy who makes a lot of sense but no one listens to him" he said and I looked at him and smiled.It was so hard for me to like connect with people but with him it came naturally "hey Zynn look" pointing at the sky.
"is it me or does that cloud look like a tiger" as I looked at where he was pointing
"I think its more of a lioness"
"oh now we are even been gender specific on clouds,, okay I think it now looks like a handsome bear"
"more of beautiful leopard"
"or jackal male jackal" we went on and on until it disappeared "I won it's a handsome tiger, bear, jackal, koala end of story" he said smiling as I laughed .
"no it's a beautiful tigress, lioness,,, oh forget it" as we both laughed
"I told you I won!!" he said playfully
"you are just lucky my memory failed me next time I will win for sure"
"game on princess" he said and then we sat in silence before he spoke "its been really long since I had a normal conversation like this"
"me too,,,,,especially one filled with stupidity and laughing" I said "but I have a question for you Corbryn?"
"ask am right here?"
"we are almost finishing high school right?"
"I know where this is going,,, you want to know why I transferred schools then right?" looking at me
"if its okay to share,,,,"
Smiling and a cute dimple shows itself as he begins to talk "have you ever been in a situation where you just want to be a normal invisible teenager "
I almost laughed cause that was literally the opposite of what I wanted all my life but who cares I finally got what I want and that was to be visible "not really why?"

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl