"Am going to school now mum,"said 17yr old Callan Numen. Callan and his family had just moved from Seattle and were now settled in Boston where after a long argument with his parents it was settled that for once Callan would go to a public school and feel like a normal teenager for once."your sure you don't want the chauffer to take you to school,what about the bodyguards am still not sure about that school",yelled his mum from upstairs."we talked about this already mum,am going now bye."as he closed the door.
Finally he arrived at the OverLand High School and like he had thought everyone was looking at him most especially the girls.He walked on to find his locker and unlike his old school,this school had so many students he was not sure that he would be able to fit in but he reassured himself to try.He finally located his locker and as he looked around all attention was on him then came a guy with some huge curly hair towards him smiling as if he knew him "should I run away or,,,,,", thought Callan to himself "Heey man!!,,,, I know you,,,,,,(pointing at him)do you remember me?",said the guy with the weird hair ."not really", replied poor confused Callan. "come on man! we played against your school last season in the basketball finals remember me,,,,,,,you were the team captain", "oh yeeaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,Troy right? I remember now,,,,,,,,atleast I know someone",."Don't worry l'll show you everything you need to see but before that looks like the girls are already your fans", said troy looking at some girls staring at Callan."I really don't want them too coz I think am just focused on academics and securing a college scholarship for this semester", said Callan when he noticed Troy smiling "what?",."Nway don't worry man,,,,,,I need to see coach,,,,, see you in class,,,,,,,", replied Troy vanishing from the hall way. Immediately the bell rang and everybody was rushing in different direction." great I don't even know where my class is,,," ,mumbled Callan as he closed his locker. As he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallan books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl who looked as if she has just seen a ghost.Suprised by the question "ofcourse I can see you,,,,,,you are human so you are visible",replied Callan.The girl took one long look at Callan before disappearing from the hallway"Young man you better rush to class before I book you for dentetion",Callan turned to see an old lady who he assumed must have been the principle,,,,and immediately took off not knowing where he was headed and suprinsingly there was his class door infront of him.He entered the class where everybody stopped to take a look at him then continued with their business.He saw Troy waving at hil and showing him a sit beside him. Callan went towards where Troy was"what took you so long?",asked Troy."I didn't know where the class is,,,",.
Miss Wattle entered the class and took the attention of the class but somehow Callan wasn't focused on that. His attention was taken by what followed Miss Wattle."Hello boys and girls it been a the first day of the semester,I would like to introduce the mayor's son Mr Callan Numen ",pointing at Callan whose full attention was at the girl who was going to sit at the back and for some reason nobody seemed to notice except for him. Troy kicked him that's when he noticed that the attention of the whole class was on him "huh?"that is all he managed to say Miss Wattle smiling "we are honored to have you Mr Callan,,,,,so humbling to teach the mayor's son,,,now back to our syllabus it been,,,,,,". "That boy is mine (whispered a girl at the back)no one should touch him. Callan was so surprised and looked at his friend Troy who was also looking at him "what?",asked Callan." You never told me you were the mayor's son?,,,,,,,,that's huge mahn!!!",said Troy."Oh,,,,,that,,,,,,I don't like people knowing that so yea,,,,,,""The girls will be all over you just look around the class every girl is looking at you,,,,"Smacked Troy."Am so not looking forward to that",replied Callan.Back to class Miss Wattle was talking about having small sing groups after all this was a singing class so she told people to break into small groups and find their harmonies.Everybody broke into groups Callan just followed Troy's lead but his eyes were fixed on the girl at the floor at the back of the class and nobody took noticed of her she had no desk nor chair,,,"Isnt this the girl I bumped to today?"Callan asked himself.Deep in thought somebody came over"hi,,,",she said.Callan looked up to see it was the brown haired girl"hey,,","Am Lucinda and I am the cheerleading squad leader and I just wanted ypu to know if you need assistance on anything you are free to talk to me,,,,,,byee",said the weird girl."o,,,,,kay",looking at hia friend"so whose that?",.Troy replied "Dude that girl is mad drama don't entertain her,,,am telling you", .Amused by his friend definition of the girl "Okay,,,,I'll take your advice speaking of which,,,,,look there at the back do you see a girl sat on the floor?"Troy looked and looked again but he just saw an empty space,,,,,he tried again and looked at his friend"I see nothing",Callan surprised because he could see very well a girl at the back with earphones how could his friend not see him "Okay lets do this again",pointing at the girl,,,,,"u see there at the back behind the last chair there is a girl with frizzling hair on the floor with purple earphones,,,,,,u see her?",Troy looked again and again and again but could not see anything,, he looked at his new friend and asked "Ummmmmm,,,,,,,,Callan when was the last time you saw a doctor?,,,,,I could take you to the school nurse if you like". "come on man,,,u cant tell me you don't see that girl,,,,she is literally the first thing you see when you look at the back,,,look she is now standing up,,,,,you see her?",Troy looked at the back and looked at his new friend and just went on playing the guitar the mayor's son might be a lunatic who knows,thought Troy.Callan still surprised on how Troy couldn't see the girl just took a sit and sat down when the bell rang."Class off,,,,,tomorrow you all singing groups present your art infront of the class",yelled Miss Wattle as she went off."U can still join the team if you want to,,",said Troy."Okay I'll think about it but first lemmi go to my locker go ahead I'll join you in the cafeteria soon",said Callan.soon their was almost no one in class well except for Callan.When he was about to go he heard a familiar voice behind him"You know the whole lesson you have done nothing other than look at me,,,,,,,I don't think that's a good start for a senior ".Callan turned to see the girl with the frizzy hair."Oh,,,, you scared me,,,,, its you again,,,,,,wait,,what?,,,,,,no no no no you got it all wrong I wasn't looking at you the whole lesson,,,,I was just,,,,,,,,,", stammering "looking for something at the back,,,,,,yeap that's was what I was doing".The girl smiled at Callan and walked away."Wait,,,,,am serious I wasn't,,,,,,,,,,,,,,anyway,,,,,,",following her into the hallway only to for her to disappear"I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting semester,,,,,",thought callan to himself.

Mistero / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl