Untitled Part 70 (1)

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"I asked her out for the dance" No Corbryn it was supposed to me.Why not choose me why always her?

Am in my bedroom and those words are just recapping in my head.I knew I had a crush on him but I never thought it would affect me this much.Am not even in to such stuff why am I all of sudden interested in stuff like this?

As am thinking somebody opens my door "Terry there something I think you need to see downstairs"

"dad am not in the mood what can it be anyway?"

"just come please its worth it" as I look at him "please?"

"okay fine" as I follow him downstairs and find nothing " what is it dad,, I don't see anything wait,,,, is that,,,,,," as I open the door only to see Aaliyah and Shawn there smiling.Aaliyah is in a small blue dress the type pf blue that I love and Shawn is in a black tuxedo.They look amazing but what are they doing here? "guys,,,, umm what are you doing here?" I ask them as they look at me before Shawn removes a musicplayer from his pocket and plays photograph by ed sheeran a song I like very much as they start dancing. "guys,,,,, what's happening" I ask them but they continue dancing as I watch them before Shawn flips Aaliyah over sending me laughing in admiration

Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul and it's the only thing that I know off,,,,,,

I cant help but sing along to the lyrics but for some reason Corbryn's face smiling, laughing and everything he does that is so adorable comes to my mind.They dance on until the last line where Shawn gives Aaliyah a bonquet of roses

"wow! Guys" as I clap my hands "that was amazing where did you guys learn that from?" as they step away and I see a tall shadow coming towards me

" I don't how it started , when it started but I cant picture my life without you.Everyday I wake up wishing this feeling to go away because its clear you don't feel the same but everyday that I wake up every night that I sleep its you only you always you and I give up the fact that I can ever live without you so ,,,,Terry Christine Banks will you be my date to the school dance?" I immediately recognize the voice as I look up to see the most serious version of Troy that I have ever seen. I don't even know how to react I know In my mind I really don't want to be his date but looking at him now how can I even say no

"say yes Terry" whispers Aaliyah a little to loud to be a whisper

"he eats my candy all the time and I probably hate him for that but he is still a charming guy" says Shawn that causes him a glare from Troy and a laugh from me.

"am not pressuring you or anything I just want,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

"I'll go to the dance with you Troy?"


"yeah Troy you annoy me a lot but why wouldn't I go to the dance with you"

"thank you so much Terry you don't know how much this means to me" as he comes in for a hug that takes me by surprise

"its just a dance Troy no big deal"

We take some snacks and laugh as Shawn tells us of how he and his friends are developing a new banana game.

"its getting late guys I need to take you back home before your sister starts freaking out " says Troy looking at his wrist watch "well,,,,,,"

Before he can even talk my phone starts ringing to see the caller am surprised.

Hey ssup Corbryn?

Where are you at?

Home,,,, where else would I be?

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