Dedicated to kasinakacey & muirururose
Hey guys!! I know you guys have been waiting for this update like no one's business. sorry to keep you waiting so for that I got two chapters update. please vote for me and make me smile. cafeteria scene right ahead. hope you like it,,,,,,,,,,
I wasn't really sure I wanted to go to class today because I felt like Troy and Terry were hatching a plan. Now that I knew they were meeting with Callan at the cafeteria I was going to sit with them and listen to what Callan was going to tell them. Not that I didn't trust him,,,, its because my conscience told me something big was going to be going down.
I was already in class by the time Callan entered. As usual he looked my corner to see if I was still around. He smiled and I gave him that fake smile that says "am still here relax ".Then Lucinda came in smiling
"I know that smile,," I said to myself "that is how she smiles when she is up to no good"I hope its not with Callan. What was wrong with me since when did I care about what other human beings lives except for my family's?
My thoughts were interrupted when Troy walked in followed by Terry. Wait!! Terry was not a part of our class and she had never come to our class so after all the incidents of yesterday,,, is it still a coincidence there are together with Troy this early morning?
I looked at Callan who looked like someone who had seen a ghost when Troy and Terry entered the class. I looked at Lucinda also am not sure why but I could see a wide smirk on her face as her eyes followed Troy and Terry.
I was almost sure something was up. I decided to go and listen to what Terry and Troy were talking about
I made my way towards their seat when I tripped making books from another girl's locker fall. I saw everyone shift their attention to the books. I saw Callan make his way through to pretending like he was actually helping to pick the books but in actual sense had come to talk to me.
"Here let me do it " he told the girl.
I looked at him when I heard him say "what do you think you are doing you think I didn't notice how you looked at Terry and Troy?" he asked.
So I was not the only one stalking people's behavior today.
"And why do you care?" I asked rudely
"Don't ever ask me that question again and don't do whatever you are doing I can handle this"
"incase you forgot my identity is at stake here so,,,, mind your own please" I said
"I am trying to help you and help myself here and I can see clearly something is going on with the two of them and we both know that Terry is bright enough to already sense there is a third party so the last thing you want to be doing is getting close to her right now because you never know what she might be planning"
True to it I looked at Troy's direction and they were both looking at Callan with smiles on their faces. Callan was right.
"so what are you going to do about it then?"
Just when he was about to answer Lucinda comes over "Callan what are you still doing on the floor you have already picked up all the books and who are you talking to down here?" she says squatting "I don't see anyone" in a mischivious voice.
This confirmed now that Lucinda knew something but how?
"ummm,,,,,,,,,"stammered Callan.
"its okay Callan you really don't have to answer its not like there is anyone invisible you are talking to?" she said smiling "or is there?" she asked with mischief in her voice before going back to her seat"

غموض / إثارةAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl