"guys!!!! Ouch!!" Says Troy as we all turn to see him standing bleeding from the back of his head "what happened?"
"fun is over!" says the shadowy girl am sure I have seen in school as she goes to take something from the fridge.What is she doing here?
"Troy seat down you head is hurt" says Terry as she goes to him with a very concerned looked in her eyes.
"is everyone okay?" asks my sister as she transforms into normal and little Aaliyah and Shawn run to hug Zynn who kneels down to hug them both with a tear forming in her eyes.I should be there hugging her right now but I promised Leah to stay away from Zynn so that she would bring me with her today. Our eyes meet with Zynn but she quickly breaks the contact as she sends Aaliyah and Shawn to sleep who come and hug me before they are headed to their rooms.
"yeap apart from Troy, and a few cuts here and there and ofcourse the house damage everyone is good" says Zynn as she gets up.
"good atleast we got here in time the traffic was so bad I was afraid we couldn't make it" says Leah as we all look for somewhere to sit "Callan are you okay?" she asks me as I nod my head "thank God mum will skin me if anything were to happen to you"
"I don't get it,,,,," says the shadowy girl "I thought Drake was dead"
"and who are you?" asks Leah.
"she is Jade goes to school with us don't worry she is on our side" says Zynn.So that's her name yeah I remember her from detention.
"oh,,, and why would you think that?"
"Drake's wife is in charge now that only happens when her husband is not able and clearly "pointing at the dead creature "Drake is still able"
"that doesn't make sense" says Troy whose wounds are been cleaned by Terry "why do you say Drake's wife is in charge"
"the forest ordeal and the shape shifters" says Leah as we all turn to her "that's her way of declaring she is in the battle field,,, causing disasters and manipulating innocent people to send a message"
"yeah so it doesn't make sense that Drake is still alive something is very wrong" says Jade "anyway give me the key I need to return it before any more trouble"
"what key?" I ask.
"key to the last clue" says Zynn as she turns to Jade "we haven't used it yet"
"I know but Lucinda is about to get home and that's the first thing she checks before anything else don't worry I'll try bring it some other day but for now,,, " putting her hand in to mean give the key "gotta slide"
"hold on" says Leah "lemme get this straight you mean you got the key to the final clue" as the rest nod their head "wow! You kids are always one step ahead of me that's for sure anyway give the girl the key we do it some other day" as Zynn gives Jade the key.
"anyway guys whatever happens outside this walls we don't know each other never talked and never will okay" she says "if anyone of you talks ,,,, Lucinda's wrath is worse than Drake you don't want to mess with her okay?"
"who are you exactly?" I ask "you are definitely not some teenegae rebel girl to be knowing all this"
"apparently to the rest of the world that's exactly what I am and I don't plan on telling anyone shit about me just know you got me and am here to help see yah" she says as she closes the door behind
"she used to be sweet don't know what happened" says Troy
"maybe something else you did and didn't not take responsibility for" says Terry.What are they even talking about?
"okay guys before we go on something has been bothering me how did you know we were in trouble"asked Zynn.
"and where did Callan suddenly get the ninja moves and not to mention flaming sword or whatever"
"its called a mukatar" I tell Troy "and am a black belt only learnt for emergencies"
"a what now?"
"okay guys" Leah as she takes over "well I have been doing a lot of research and statistics and I realize that something was cooking between today and tomorrow our enemies would attack and it would be a huge one so I came over to tell my brother some truth about him and also be around when the attack happens you guys need all the help you could need so I'll be around until the fight is over"
"okay that makes sense but something doesn't "says Zynn
"which would be " I ask her.
"Look guys when the bravers first showed up they sent a message through Callan and they also said they are coming for him, Terry for some reason could see a Braver, the guy who attacked Terry had glowing eyes that only royalty can have, Lucinda is planning something evil against me according to her brother, Drake and his wife are here but just sending messages instead of coming themselves" pointing at Leah "your eyes can glow and you are not royalty,,,,, so much is happening in ways they are not supposed to be and,,,,"
"all our enemies are awfully silent" I finish off for her as she looks at me.
"yeah,,,,," as everyone shifts. She got a real point there that am sure scares everyone but too proud to admit it even me.
"yeah that's a very very valid point but from my investigations" says Leah "I think they are either planning something together or they are afraid of Zynn and they want to scare her away by the awful silence"
" I think the first option makes more sense" says Troy as he holds the packet if ice to the back of his head.
"yeah me too more of them working together than been afraid" said Terry "have you guys met Lucinda that girl believes she can even kill a lion?"
"so what do we do?" I ask "and I still don't get how everything happening is connected to me"
"me too" says Zynn surprisingly "how is Callan the cause of everything he is fighting against it doesn't make sense" before anyone else could answer the door knob clicked as we all looked at each other and I removed the mukatar as my sister's boyfriends call it.The door flows wide open only to reveal Zynn's dad.
"am ho,,,,," he says before looking around and then seeing us "what happened here is everyone okay?"
"hey dad,,,,, we are all fine" says Zynn as she hugs him "thanks to Lea and Callan"
"what happened?"
"good evening mister Zynn " I say "I think its time we all head home guys as Zynn and her father talks we will figure out something some other time"
"yeah I think that's a good idea" Troy backs me up "besides we need to rest we should go home"
"goodbye Mr Zynn" says Troy and Terry as they walk out followed by Lea then me
"thank you for protecting my daughter"
"you don't have to thank me,,,, it's the one thing I'll forever do without complaining" before I look at her "even if it kills me" as our eyes meet and I look back at Mr Siyan "goodbye sir,,,,,,,take care Zynn" I tell her.
"I will thank you for today" she says softly I just wish I could hug her one more time and reassure her everything will be okay and remove that terror from her eyes but sadly I cant.

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl