We reach home as i head straight to the kitchen and take some water
"what's wrong with Zynn?" asked Aaliyah as Troy and Terry followed me to the kitchen
"she is just tired and thirsty that's all ,,,,,why don't you guys go do your homework" said Terry to Aaliyah.
"will you come help me?"
"I will definitely after am done talking to your sister" said Troy
"okay " as she went up the stairs.Once we were sure they couldn't hear we headed to the dining area
"who and why would someone do that?" asked Trpy "in broad daylight"
"I personally think it was meant to shock you cause they are sure it cant hurt you"
"but why?" I ask "after all this time why today"
"I think I have a suspect in mind" says Troy
"its definitely not Lucinda because they know they would be the first suspects"I say
"or it could be her because she knows we cant suspect her" says Terry
"no something is not right" I say "Drake's wife has been awfully quiet, Blake just disappeared out of the blues,Claudia isn't talking to me, Lucinda had been disturblingly calm,,,,,, something is very very wrong I can feel it" I said before we all felt our phones buzz .
"damn it" said Terry as we also looked at our phones "really homecoming now? Like when things are this confused?"
"okay guys I think the best we can do right now is strategize" said Troy "and first we start by what do we do about Corbrynn I really don't like that guy"
"is it because he is replacing your best friend in the team"
"Or because he is funnier than you"
"ummmmmm maybe but mind you am very funny" as we both look at him with Terry "infact,,, I got a joke right her right now,,, that I am,,,"
"just shut up Troy" says Terry as I smile "the only thing funny about you is how stupid you can be"
"maybe,,,, but you guys don't you see he is trying to take Callan's place in everything"
"just because he is friends with Zynn and Coach needs a replacement of Callan and he happens to be good doesn't me he is trying to take Callan's space" says Terry very annoyed
"easy girl,,,,," I say turning to Troy "but she is right "
"you guys don't see that he might be here for a reason or be a spy for some reason"
"no I don't "
"if he was evil in any way I would have sensed it" I say "besides Callan is not helping the situation by pishing everyone including me away"
"try losing your girlfriend and finding out your mother took your powers away from you all in one week and see what happens" as he went to sit down "that's if powers were meant for everyone" we look at each other with Terry then back at Troy who is eating a pickle " what?"
"how" as I walk towards him "did you know,,,, that"
"know what?"
"that his mother took his powers away"
"Lea hasn't she spoken to you guys?" he asked us as we both looked at each other amazed "she is back from South Korea for good,,,, wow! Never saw the day that someone would trust me more than Zynn and Terry" he continued laughing
"wait,,,,,," asked Terry " Leah is back,,,,,, and she hasn't told us"
"no the question should be why Claudia took away his son's powers" I say as they both look at me "think of it like this as much as she tried to disconnect herself from our world at the back of her head she knew that someday Callan would be involved and if that day come Callan's powers would be his only saving grace so why would she take something that would help his son from trouble,,,,, it makes no sense at all" as I sit down "something is really really wrong,,,, I can feel it,,,,,,"
"Okay everyone come down no need to overthink this,,,,,," says Terry "why don't we,,,," before I could even finish there was a knock on the door "wait,,, apart from Callan and his family does anyone know you live here"
"no not really" as we hear the knock again
"and its definitely not Callan so couldn't it be" asks Troy
"everyone back off behind the couch this is not a coincidence , the shooting, the silence from our enemies and someone following us here" as I head towards the door and Troy and Terry hide behind the couch"one,two, three,,,,,,,,," I open the door ready for war but instead I get confused "do I know you?" I ask her
"ssup Zynn no you don't but I know you am Jade Perkins am not here to harm you drop the act" she says as Troy and Terry come towards the door " something told me I would find you guys here" she says as she looks around the house.
"Jade? What are you doing here?" asks Troy
"you know her?"
"yeah she is from school "says Terry as she looks at the three of us "but I don't get how or why,,,,,"
"I used the key to get here and we better get in before someone sees me and reports me to that annoying bitch Lucinda"
"what key?"I ask "and why would we let you in if you are friends with Lucinda"
"I think we should all get inside because the Jade I know wont come all the way without a good reason" says Troy as I look at him then back at the all black shadow shadow girl and close the door behind me
Once inside "so?" I ask
"so what?" she asks
"you come to my house I don't know how the when I ask for an explanation you ask me so what?"
"well between me and you I think you need me more and don't rush me no one tells me what to do" she says still looking around as if looking for something
"seriously" looking at Troy
"you got to be patient with her Zynn relax,,,,," as he turns to Jade "anyway Jade so this might be a very awkward meeting for us and,,,"
"because you slept with my sister and rejected her later leading her to a mental facility because of depression and then kept avoiding me sincejunior year,,,," as we both turn to look at troy "yeah it must be awkward for you,,,, good thing I don't care and am not here to talk to you"
"then what are you here for" asks Terry
Still scanning the room "to help" she says as we look at each other
" help with what and can you please scanning the room its creepy"I say
As she does a last scan and looks at me "glad you find it that because your clue is in this house"
"wait what,,,,,"
"you heard me,,,, your final clue is in this very house and like Lucinda predicted you have no clue" she says with finalty as she opens her hand and the key in her hand miraculously rise up and glows and heads to part of the wall near the staircase before it falls down "right there"

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl