After our little encounter with Callan we still continued with our practice but now it was time for the game the entire school was here cause as word was been passed "a match between two boyfriends over one girl" high schoolers are officially the most petty people on earth.
Seven rings was playing as Lucinda and her team entered with Callan posters and t-shirst when did they even get the time to print those as they did their choreographies.Followed by the team been led by Troy as everyone screamed Callan's name on top of their lungs.I cant help but feel bad for Corbryn why are people being so cruel to him when he hasn't done anything wrong.Oh well am here to support him as Terry enters and looks at me before walking away.Why are they behaving like that I didn't do anything wrong if there is anyone who Is doing anything wrong here is them because they are judging someone who hasn't done anything wrong come to think of it I should be the one mad here
"LET'S welcome CORBRYN SEAVEY!!!!!!!!!" A few screams here and there and ofcourse he doesn't even care he comes in looking as energized as ever before he looks at me and gives me a big smile and thumbs up which I return faithfully.
"NOW LET's WELCOME CALLAN NUMEN!!!!!!!!!" as he comes in with the screams and shouts as the crowd goes "CALLAN! CALLAN! CALLAN!" he smiles as he looks around before our eyes meet and he looks away towards Lucinda who is smiling so widely that her teeth might even fall out any minute
"OKAY LET THE MATCH BEGIN IN TWO THREE" okay here goes the honestly most intense match yet to be witnessed.Callan is good probably the best that is a gurantee but Corbryn is not bad either and after the little showdown in the afternoon he seemed more zealous and angry so this,,,, this will be intense "ONE " bell rings as Callan starts with the dribble looking at Corbryn who doesn't even seem to be trying to advance or anything infact between him and the referee I think the ref is using more energy than he is. I think I know what he is doing as Callan advances expecting him to pounce on the ball but for some reason Corbryn is even walking away something that is making everyone confused including Callan.What is he doing as Callan makes his first shot and the crowd goes wild.People are happy but Callan, Troy ,Ryan, Coach don't look so happy? Clearly Corbryn isn't even trying?
Goes on like that until half time where Callan has sixteen score and Corbryn zero
"HALF TIME!" as I rush towards Corbryn who seems happy as ever as he sings along to the sucker hit by jonas brothers heading towards me.Is he high on something?
"princess" as he hugs me
"what are you doing Corbryn you are losing?"
"am i?" as I point at the scores "oh yeah,,, true"
"are you okay?"
"yeah" as he takes my bottle of water "may I"
"you don't even need it " wiping his forehead "not even an ounce of sweat,, what are you doing?"
"do you believe in me?"
"you know I do but,,,,"
"then trust me okay? I know what am doing" he tells me smiling as I nod "okay now I need a small favor from you is that okay?"
"okay,, if I can then why not"
Smiling "okay then,,,"
"HALFTIME!!!!!" before the crowd goes wild .Something is not right Corbryn is not even trying as I look at the scores and head to the benches where I take a sip of water as Ryan, Troy and Terry come towards me

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl