Hey guys how are you? I know you missed me just like I did but don't worry am now here and we are not stopping till the end. Just a quick reminder if you have installed wattpad on your phone, please follow me at Lukreshanataly to receive some messages I send through the emails because some of you say you feel like I don't communicate to you guys. Okay,,,,,,,, now, before we continue so that you understand what is going on I would advice you re-read the last chapters to remember where we are at. All said and done,,,,,,,,,,,,here we go!!!!
"So how was school today?" Asked my dad as we sat to eat dinner. Callan had just left to his place to avoid his father asking a lot of questions.
"it was okay except for the part where some boys tried to pick on Shawn" said Aaliyah as she ate her food.
"Is that true Shawn? some boys were picking on you?" I asked the little guy as he nodded hi head to indicate yes "that's not right,,,,,,"
"its okay Aaliyah defended me" he said "they were doing that because of my medical condition and this pipe running in my nose,,,,, I just wish I wasn't sick" he said as we looked at each other with dad.
"son, look at me, its not your fault that you are sick and no one should make you feel less,,,,,, you are very strong because if you were not you wouldn't be here right now so tomorrow when you go to that school don't be afraid to speak for yourself okay son?"
"dad's right I think you are the strongest than the four of us" I told him.
"okay if you say so,,,,, put me some rice please Zynn?"
"yeah sure" as I stretched over to put rice on his plate .
"what about you Zynn? How was school today?"
"school was okay?"
"are you sure? because Callan seemed a bit worried about leaving you alone earlier"
"yeah dad everything is good no creepy stuff just normal stuff and of course been noticed the new girl in school "
"oh that Is so good. It makes me happy to see my children living normal lives like other kids "he said as I faked a laugh and looked at him if he only knew.
Supper ended I washed the dishes as Aaliyah cleared the dining hall and dad went to help Shawn with his medicine. I was soon done and went to have a shower as I put on some Jess Glyne music in my room before Aaliyah came in.
"Zynn,,,,,,,can I come in"
"yeah sure Aaliyah what's up?"
"I didn't want to say it in front of dad because I don't want him to be even more stressed after mum's death but there Is something you should probably know"
"something like what Aaliyah?"
"the boys who picked on Shawn,,,, one of them said something about you?"
"about me? They have never even seen me?"
"so what did he say?"
"he said that we should be happy as it lasts because someone is coming for you and its not going to end well"
As we both sat down on my bed "wait what? How did you know he was talking about me?"
"he said your name and later when I approached him he told me he didn't say anything like that but am sure I had that correct that is what attracted me to the fight in the first place"

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl