Hey guys I just wanted you guys to know that I have decided to use one POV that Is Zynn throughout the book except for a few parts where I will indicate of it's a new POV
"What are you doing here?" Troy asked me when I reached the swimming pool area before Terry came and Troy went to hug her tightly.
"are you okay?" he asked her as she looked at him surpringly
"of course am okay,,, am here because you are not okay" she said.
"WHAT?" asked Troy "am here because you sent me a message you are in danger and I should meet you here"
"no am here because you sent me a message you are in danger and I should meet you here" she said as she showed her the text before they both turned to look at me.
"I knew it" I said.
"what did you know? And why are you here?" asked Troy.
"someone sent me the same text saying Callan is in danger but Callan never asks for help so I knew something was happening something fishy" as I walked around.
"wait so" said Terry " someone sent Troy a message I was in danger and I was sent a message he was in danger and you were sent a message Callan is in danger so that means Callan is on his way here with a message that says,,,,,,,,"
As we all spoke in unison "Zynn is in danger"
"yeap" I said "and where is he?" as we all looked around before we heard someone shout.
"GUYS LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as Callan came and jumped right in the swimming pool as if chasing something away. What the hell!!!!!!
He finally came out soaking wet as we helped him up "are you okay" I asked him as he got out of the pool.
"yeah am fine are you?" he asked me before removing his phone which of course was dead after getting water "you sent me a message you were in danger which Is quite weird you never ask for my help voluntarily?"
"exactly " I told him as I showed him the text as he read in amazement "you also rarely ask for my help" as Terry and Troy showed him their texts also.
"what is happening here?"he asked .
"wait,,,,, what did you see that made you jump in the pool like that?" asked Terry.
"you guys didn't see it?"
"see what?" asked Troy as we all looked at the pool then back to Callan.
"there was a guy who wanted to stab either Zynn or Terry and he was right behind you before he saw me and jumped into the water" as we all look at him questionly "what?"
"ummmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Callan if there was a guy and if he jumped into the water" I said "then where Is he?" as the rest nodded their heads in agreement.
"I don't know,,,, come on guys with all that is happening don't tell me you are thinking am making make believe imaginations?" as we all nodded our heads.
"that's exactly what we are thinking" I said.
"actually I thought you were hallucinating but that could work too" said Troy as we all looked at the dripping Callan standing in front of us.
"I was also thinking,,,, why don't we find you dry clothes before you get a cold?" said Terry smiling.
"guys this is serious" said Callan "there was person with a dagger behind you guys but he somehow vanished and also when I went to call Leah I saw a suspicious girl watching me but when I looked at her and our eyes met she walked away I tried following her but she just vanished along the corridors that's why I took so long"

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl