Helloooo,,,,,,,,,,,,,, loves are you ready for the next chapter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not a lot of drama here but its nice anyway before that,,,,,,, like I said I have an important message to all of you that might crush your heart like it has done to mine,,,,,,,,ready???????????
So first and foremost I am the happiest writer on earth to have such an amazing audience who in one night took me from number 796 to 238 by all your reads, votes and comments am in tears right now. Like I said before from the time I joined wattpad up to now it hasn't exactly been the best days in my life,,,, I have been going through a lot of psychological pain but you guys with all your lovely comments I just find myself laughing and forgetting all the troubles in my life. I just want to say I love you guys for appreciating my work it makes me want to live more and do more for you thank you to each and everyone of you. But,,,,,,,,,,,,,, next week am having my final exam for the course am currently doing and with all that had been going on in my life for the past two months I wasn't exactly the best student so I got a lot of reading and catching up to do this week if I don't want to repeat the whole course again. so for that reason I wont be updating till maybe later next week which means going back the ratings again which breaks my heart but after thinking about it I think what really matter s to me is you my readers,,,, forget the ratings so please bear with me for this week. Follow me on wattpad and instagram at @lukreshanataly if you want to know more about me,,,,,,,,,,,,, I love you guys and just like last time I'll be back sooner than you think ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,awwwwwww am crying right now can I get a group hug if you guys don't mind? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,anyway that all for now,,,,,,,,,,,,, let's see what my favourite kind of people are up to right now shall we?,,,,,,,,,,,
Dedicated to all of you who make me smile by clicking the star button and commenting their hearts out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I love you guys so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listen to wanted by Hunter Hayes for this chapter especially the end,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"gooooooooooooooooooooooooo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Troy you can do it!!!!" Terry and I were screaming at the top of our lungs as we watched Troy go with the ball towards the goalring. We were at 21 while the other school was at 50. This was because Troy and Callan the team's best players had arrived late. Callan been a new student was a sub seated at the bench. Their injuries had vanished due to Luke's power to heal while troy called a friend to come pick us up.
"oh no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," I heard Terry say and looked back at the pitch to see the ball being taken away from Troy by the rivals. There was a five minute break and we rushed over to Troy.
"what's happening troy where is your energy boy?" we could here the coach ask before he left us alone with him. He didn't seem fine he seemed frustrated or tired he was not the same energetic Troy everyone at Overland park knew.
"What's wrong Troy this is not you?" I heard Terry ask him.
"I don't know I think am just tired ,,, I don't know,,,"
"you cant say that Troy the whole team not mentioning the whole school is relying on you,,,,,,,,,,,,, "I said before Callan came over. Throughout the trip back to school I kept thinking of what Luke had said and he kept looking at me like he wanted to say something but couldn't.
"I know but,,,,,, I just,,,,," he continued to say something before he kept quiet.
"Look bro you are the one who welcomed me in this team and like you always tell the team,,,,, its not always about winning its always about giving your best even when you dont feel like it because you love it and you are not doing it to win or please anyone you are doing it for you because it is you and you love it and without it,,,,, its like you are not there,,,,, so go out there,,, look at the whole team they are counting on you because they believe In you,,,,,,' pointing at the crowds who had charts with troy's name on them "look they all believe in you and if you do your best and show them that you really did your best,,,,,,, even though you don't win,,,,,, they will still believe in you,,,, you know why?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, because you will have gave them a reason to,,,,,,, I believe in you bro ,,,,,we are together" Callan said as Troy looked at him absorbing every single word he said and I could see strength build in his eyes.

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl