Just a quick reminder if you have installed wattpad on your phone please follow me at Lukreshanataly to receive some messages I send through the emails because some of you say you feel like I don't communicate to you guys.
"we should officially call this parking ground MEETING GROUND FOR ZYNN AND HER FRIENDS" I said as I sat in the car with the door open drinking coffee and Callan was outside at the front slamming his body against his car.
"I know right anyway where are this guys its almost time for class" said Callan as we checked the vicinity for the two .
"Callan?" I said as he looked at me before looking at what had caught my attention "its Makalya and she is headed to the boys locker room.Why is she headed to the boys locker room?"
"I don't know " said Callan "let me follow her" he said before I stopped him "what?"
"you following her is too obvious am sure the rest of Lucinda's gang are around somewhere and they will see you"
"so? We can't just sit here" he told me looking at me.
"who said we are? Am going to turn invisible and follow her" I told him.
"isn't that dangerous?"
"love,,, everything in my life is about taking risks anyway I"ll be back in a sec just wait for me here "
"okay take care" he shouted as I walked over but seemed to be shouting at air.
I followed the girl to the boys locker room and saw her put something in one of the lockers. Before I could get closer something fell that startled both of us and she skempt away. I went to the locker and saw what she had put. That doesn't make sense? i took it and went back to the car and I saw Terry, Troy and Lucinda of course she had to be there. i went to the other side of the snacks booth and took something to pretend I was from the booth as I approached them and could here Lucinda asking about my whereabouts.
"so where is you girlfriend anyway Cal?" she asked innocently.
"umm,,,,, she just went to,,,,,,,," before I walked over
"hey guys,,,, you are already here" as I hugged both Terry and Troy before walking over to Lucinda with a huge smile on my face "hey Lucy right? Am so sorry am really poor with my memory" I could hear Troy laughing from the back ground as Lucinda answered with a fake smile.
"its Lucinda"
"oh yeah right" I said "anyway I had just gone to take a snack from the booth" as I lifted my skittles packet "did you need anything from me or" as I pointed to the other three "any of them?" as they all smiled and I could see she was trying to keep the fake smile but the veins on her forehead were betraying her.
"no,,,, I just came to say hello anyway I'll see all of you later" she said before walking away as we all watched her go away before the three busted into a laugh.
"what the hell was that zynn?" said Troy "you are amazing"
"yeah she totally deserves it" said Terry as Callan smiled looking at me.
"I didn't know you could do that?"
"do what? Put people in their place? Trust me I can do it perfectly" I said as I handed Troy the skittles "I hate these things have them"
"anyway what did you find out?" asked Callan as the serious mood came back.
"its pretty weird actually its like we were three people in the locker room but I couldn't see the third person but what Is weirder Is what Makayla put in one of the lockers"

Misterio / SuspensoAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl