"so this is the new library but there is also the old one down the hall. The difference between this one and the old one is that this one got bigger and more up to date books, it also has more computers and also had a discussion area unlike the other one" said the gorgeous girl standing infront of me.
"yaaiks!!! Nothing fun?"
"oh! It has better wifi connectivity and,,,, yeah that's it" she said smiling and I couldn't help why a guy would leave this girl. Don't get me wrong I am so not planning for a relationship or anything like that but she is super cute with her wavy hair and very simple make up if any and her simple style that consists of jeans a black top and black sneakers make her so different from anything I have ever seen. "are you listening?" she snaps me out of my dreamland.
"oh yeah,,,, am bored listening to all that library talk" as we walk on "I mean its already boring to listen to someone tell you things you don't even want to know what they are about for forty minutes and then you go to a library for more books? No not me" I said making her laugh and I couldn't help but smile along.I also noticed the glances from people around me.What's with people and staring at me don't they ever get tired?
"anyway so now we are headed to the lobby, actually this is supposed to be a place for people to rest after lunch during recess or maybe during free periods but for some reason people prefer the park near the parking lot and the area near the swimming pool I don't know why" as we come to a very beautiful lobby parked with chairs and everything else.
"where do you prefer?" I ask her out of nowhere before she holds my hand and leads me to small area at the corner.Forget the corner the electricity going on in my body as she touches my hand wow! Am I been electrocuted or something but a more sweet electrocution,,,,,, uncomfortable but sweet.
"here" as we sit down and I look to see why she likes it here.
"oh now I see,,, because you can see the entire field from here but don't here the noise" as she nods her head "but why do you like the field so much?"her smile turns slowly into a small sad frown and so is her whole happy face "am sorry I didn't mean to change you mood"
"its okay" she says "it just reminds me of very many special moments that am not sure I'll be able to get again"
"oh then why not create new ones" as she turns to look at me
"yeah why not create other memories that whenever you feel like those past memories are coming back you have others to be a distraction" I said as she looked at me like "I don't understand"
"its not a bad idea but its not that easy"
"and how will you know if you haven't tried" I said as I woke up "just give it a try "holding my hand out to help her up with her smile before she returned the smile and took my hand and stood up.We went on with the rest of the school as I gave her stories of how my sister would force me to go for balley practice with her and I'll end flirting with her friends until she chased me away.She also told me about her weird friend Terry and the other one who was the basketball captain and how funny he was.She also told me she was kind of new too.
"and that Corbryn Seavey is Overland High school" she said at the small park near the parking lot
"wow! Must say this school is bigger than it looks"
"you think?"
"thank you Zynn atleast now I can stop getting late for classes all the time and explaining to stupid teachers how I got twenty minutes late searching for classes" I said as she laughed.Something about that smile,,,,,, "anyway since today I don't have practice maybe if you are free we go for ice cream and cheers to this new friendship?"
"ummmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," before she could even finish a psychotic friend with the captain came along
"there you are Zynn we have searched everywhere "
"I told Troy I'll be showing Corbryn round didn't I"as she looked at Troy
"so that's what she said,,,,, damn it am so forgetful" as the two girls both looked at the guy and just shook their heads
"hello there handsome" said Terry
"hey Terry,,, ssup Troy"
Troy just nodded his head.For some reason am getting some negative vibe from him I don't know why
"so are you guys done?" asked Terry
"yeah actually Corbryn wanted to take me out for ice cream so I was thinking maybe you guys could tag along" said Zynn.Damn it for some reason I wanted to be just us two.
"yeah definetly "said Terry
"what about you Troy?"
"yeah if Terry is in so am I" he said
"good Corbryn you okay with them coming along"she asked me but something had caught my eye "Corbryn?"
"ZYNN LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!" I shouted as I pushed her away from an oncoming arrow targeting her .Troy and Terry jumped to the side while I pushed Zynn to the other side making the arrow go between us.I stood up and held her hand "are you okay?" as she stood up but still shocked
"yeah I think I am" before Callan came running towards her
"Zynn are you okay?" he asked him and from the look of things he seemed really concerned
"yeah I am" said Zynn before breaking away from him.Wow! okay "thanks to Corbryn here,,,," she said as Callan looked at me with some emotion in his eyes "you can go now am okay"
"I just,,, I wanted" he stammered "okay,, glad your are fine" before he looked at me turned to Terry and Troy and walked away.
"Where did that come from?" asked Terry as I scanned the area and saw some blonde girl in the bushes withdrawing and I think I saw her with the arrowgun.Why would someone have an arrowgun in school and why would they aim at Zynn cause clearly it was her
"I think we should all go home for now" said Troy as the rest nodded
"yeah I think its best if she rests,,,, do you need a ride I could take you home" I asked her
"its okay Corbryn I'll ride with Terry,,,, am sorry for the cancelled plans I just don't feel,,,,"
"its okay Zynn you really don't need to explain,,,, better go home with your friends now" I told her as I smiled "don't worry will do it tomorrow or some other day"
"thanks for understanding see you tomorrow" she said as she walked away with her friends.I scanned the area and saw Callan seating at a bench looking at me when our eyes met he looked away and then I saw the blonde girl and this time I saw it perfectly the arrowgun.Why would she want to hurt Zynn? And who is she? As I went to my car.
I don't understand what's happening the cold stares from Callan and Troy, the weird embrace between Zynn and Callan,,,, the arrow the blonde girl it all doesn't make sense but one thing am sure of is that am starting to like Zynn like really really like her.

Mystery / ThrillerAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl