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The doorbell sounded "am coming!!!!" I shouted from the kitchen before I saw Aaliyah going to get the door.
"I'll get it" she says as she opens the door "Callan!!!!" as I walk into the the living area and find them hugging.
"hey Aaliyah"
"how are you?"
"am good,,,,, there is Zynn" as she points at me before running upstairs.
"hey love" he said with a quick kiss.
"you are early today I was just preparing breakfast"
"yeah I know I just wanted to come over and hang with my favourite kind of people,,,,, where is Shawn?"
"Callan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Shawn from across the house into the living room.
"hello there bruh!!" replied Callan as they hugged "are you ready for school?" as Shawn scowled "what's wrong bruh? Is there a problem with the school?"
"some boys are picking on me in school and am afraid to go to school" as Callan looked at me before carrying Shawn up and make him sit on the dining table.
"look here bruh!!!! Who did we say is the greatest of them all?"
"Shawn Siyan and Callan Numen"
"because Callan Numen has a girlfriend who is a superwoman and Shawn Siyan is a little kid with a big heart and who Is able to battle whatever disease that comes on his way"
"also he is the brother to superwoman,,,,"
"and that makes him,,,,,,,,"
"so there you go bruh!!! You are very strong and no one should ever make you feel less,,,, so this Is what you do bruh! Do you trust me?"he asked the little boy who loved him so much and adored his every move.
"of course you are my hero"
"then will you do what I tell you to?"nodding his head "okay so this is what we are going to do,,,,, don't let anyone pick on you and if they make fun because of your illness tell them,,,,,,,,, that they should be sorry because for them a cold makes them leave school but you,,,,, even with your illness you are very strong and very smart okay?"
"but what If they don't listen?"
"they will,,,, just be firm with your words like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
"superman " as they high-five.
"that's what am talking about bruh,,,,,, okay now go get your sister and let's have breakfast" as he helped him off the dining table.
Once gone as I continue setting the table "superwoman huh?"
"yeah you are my superwoman what are we having for breakfast am starving?" as he follows me to the kitchen.
"you just left your mansion to come starve here what if I didn't count you?"
"then no problem" as he comes behind me and grabs my waist before speaking into my ear "we can always have something else for breakfast"

غموض / إثارةAs he walked along the hallway he bumped on to a girl with frizzly hair, bending down to pick the fallen books "am so sorry its all my fault(standing up),,,here you go,,,,",giving the girl the books ."You,,,,,,,,can see,,,,,me?",asked the girl