Chapter- 10 About As Useful As A Sweater In The Middle Of Summer.

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I ran all the way back, to the school terrace. My plan would began there. I ran up the stairs, and skipped across the terrace.

I came to the corner, if I looked down I had a clear view of what was happening downstairs.

Right now, Ryder was being circled by the three men in black.

Yes, I am going to call them that. Ryder seemed to be calculating something in his head.

I could almost see the gears turning in his head. He was coming up with a plan, I could feel it. They were still circling him and Ryder had a small smirk on his face. It was like he was stalling them on purpose.

Something big is going to happen. I know it. Just as if the men realised this they started shooting. Ryder was trying his best not to get shot.

In the distance I could see four more people coming.


But from the other direction I could also see Grayson, Cole and Alex all running here.


So that was his plan, he had back up. That's why he was stalling the men in black. He was waiting for his hoemies.

Yes, that's what they call each other.


They are now four to three, but soon those four men would come. My job was to keep the school people safe and call the cops.

I quickly called them and explained the situation. They said it would take them at least 25 minutes.

Obviously the police won't help us, so we have to do something. I had a gun with me, but I dint want to take the risk and kill the wrong person by mistake.

I wrack my brain for any ideas. I look around the terrace and find some bricks and concrete tiles.


I also found a ladder long enough to reach the ground. A plan began to form in my head.

Well, well, well. Let's see if I am any good at basketball.

Ryder's POV

We were winning,because it was a four to three fight, but I wasn't going to let my guard down just yet.

As if the devil had heard my thoughts four more goons show up. Of course, the more the merrier.

Cole, Alex and Grayson grin at me. We had done this way too many times before, now I only hope that Rea is safe.

She is not like most girls, and I know that Aiden taught her well enough to defend herself, but I would always be worried about her.

She is mine after all. And the thought of someone hurting her makes my blood boil. Suddenly a loud crash is heard.

What the fuck?!

I turn around and a man is lying unconscious he looked as if he was about to strike me.

I look up and see Rea grinning maniacally with a huge brick in her hand.

My love for her has definitely multiplied.

Giving her a smirk and thumbs up I start shooting the men. Most of them were down, but two were still up and roaming.

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