Chapter 23- It's Boom Bang Bang Time!

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I need to pee.

Not the typical way to wake up, but you must have realised by now that I am not a normal human.

As I try to move, I realise that I am trapped. No I am not handcuffed in the basement of a creepy stalker guy.

I am in the comfort of my bed, with a very shirtless Ryder sleeping next to me. His hand is draped across me, securing me to his chest. No going to lie, I am enjoying this a lot.

But as I said before, I need to pee. Very very soon.

I try to push him off of me. Key word being try! He is such a fatass. Groaning I do my best and manage to push him off.

I scramble to the restroom. When I return I see that Ryder had woken up and was getting off the bed.

"Good morning, princess. I hope you slept well." Ryder says, while stretching his arms.

Damn those muscles.

"Good morning, Ryder. I slept great!" I greet back.

He nods and gets up, he walks towards where I was standing and hugs me, I hug him back, and we stay like that for sometime.

He then pulls apart and goes to the washroom to bath, probably.

I am still tired so I lay down on the bed and enjoy the body wasn't that is still preserved in it.

After ten minutes Ryder comes out with a towel around his waist and water dripping from his hair.

Is it just me or did it get hot in here?

Anyways, I go and take a shower, I decide on wearing my black ripped jeans and grey cropped top with a teal jacket.

I leave my hair open and go out, Ryder is sitting on my bed and is already dressed. He is wearing black jeans, white V-neck with his leather jacket.

Doesn't he have any other clothes with him?!

"What do you want to eat, princess?" Ryder asks.

"I want something French. I am craving croissants."

"Croissants it is, and lucky you I know a place that makes amazing ones. Oh and princess, you look really good in that jacket." Ryder says with a wink.

I mutter a small thank you and follow him out of my room.

We arrive at the cafe in twenty minutes and head inside. We sit in a booth in a very secluded corner.

What's up with him and corners?

Shrugging it off I sit in front of him, a waitress brings us our menu and we order our croissants.

We eat in silence and it's really weird, because, we usually always have something to talk about.

I ignore the feeling and concentrate on my food, suddenly Ryder whispers, "When I give you the sign, I want you to walk straight to the women's restroom okay?"

I nod, because I understand it's serious and continue eating my food maintaining a poker face. Ryder slowly kicks my legs and I excuse myself to the restroom.

Just as I reach the restroom I hear a 'boom' sort of sound.

My heart begins beating faster and my thoughts are racing millions of miles per hour.

What the actual fuck is happening out there? Can't a girl just eat in peace?

I close my eyes and lock the restroom door behind me. I then splash some water on my face to clear my head.

Okay, so obviously something is going on there and I'll have to do something to help. But I won't make hasty decisions.

First I need a plan.

Hmmm... Wait a minute. There must be some toilet cleaner lying around here in the restroom right? I am pretty sure it can cause a lot of damage if sprayed in the eyes.

I look around and to my luck, I find three bottles. I make a small basket type with my jacket and tie it to my waist. I grab one toilet cleaner in my hand the other two in my jacket and slowly get out of the restroom.

I sneak a peek and see that almost all the people have evacuated, but I can see a few men here and there.

So them I have to take down? That's okay, you ruin my breakfast, I ruin your life.

With that in mind I slowly get out, I open the toilet cleaner bottle and test it. It squirts pretty well.

I sneak up to one of the men, he notices me and raises his gun, but I am, thankfully, quick enough to squirt the toilet cleaner in his eyes.

He cringes with pain and screams, and drops his gun. I grab it and shoot him in the leg.

We will worry about the consequences later, but right now it's time to clean.

I tuck the gun in my jeans. Wrong move, it's very very uncomfortable, it's like so cold.

No time to think now, it's boom bang bang time.

I hide under a table and shoot two other guys in the foot and calf. Guess someone's gonna be on the naughty list this year.

Another over smart buddy tried to use a chair to knock Ryder out. But I shoot him in the butt.

Look who'll be not able to sit on the hard prison chairs? Mr. I-am-too-over-smart!

Serves him right.

I run about the perimeter, yes I am speaking spy. I learned it last year while watching Spy Kids. That was not meant to be said, er thought. Well whatever!

I don't see anyone else, so I go to where Ryder and I were sitting, and I see Ryder happily finishing his breakfast.

That evil monkey. May his soul be forever cast in the deepest pits of Tartarus.

I go up to him and punch him real good on the arm, he winces in pain and almost spits out his breakfast.

"Who the fuck were they?" I spat angrily at him. He just shrugs, "Oh them. They're nothing, just a friendly reminder of what could happen if my family makes a wrong move. Don't worry you can continue eating."

This guy keeps getting more mysterious by every second. What's up with him?!


Important news: I won't be able to write until after June 5. I am currently out of town, so please understand.

This chapter also took me so long to write. I might be getting another case of the writer's block, so please give me some ideas or inspiration.

Other than that, please VOTE, SHARE and FOLLOW!

Also comment what you likes about the chapter and what you didn't!

Until next chapter, stay gold!

Lots of love,
Khushi ❤

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