Chapter 34 - Y'all Are Just A Bunch Of Dirty Minded Freaks!

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This is not fair!

This is so not fair.

My life is shit.

How can this be happening?

How can Ryder eat more than me?

This isn't supposed to happen, how can someone possibly eat more than me and live to tell the tale?


"Cheer up princess. It was just a burger." Ryder says half sympathetically, half smiling.

"But you ate fifteen burgers! My highest is only thirteen, you ate two more than I can." I whine like a baby.

"I'll buy you candy if you smile." He sings.

My mood instantly brightens.



We get into my car and he drives us to the nearest candy shop.

As soon as he stops the car I jump out and rush into the store. The bell chimes making it clear that there is a customer in the store.

A lady from behind the cashier desk looks up and flashes me a sweet smile, almost as sweet as the chocolates she is arranging.

Mouth watering chocolates. Melt in your mouth candy.

Heaven on earth.

I look through the shelves and rows and rows of candy and chocolates, picking up whatever interests me.

In five minutes I have a mountain of chocolates, candies and anything sweet I could lay my hands on all piled up on the check out desk.

"Ohkay. So princess is planning on getting diabetes." Ryder mocks me, removing his credit card to pay for the sweet goods.

I blush and smack his shoulder, "Whatever."

He chuckles and so does the cashier lady, I pout not liking being laughed at.


"Aww is little Andi angry? Does she need a kiss to make her smile?"

I don't look at him and walk out of the store with the bags in my hand, ignoring his cute little face.

As I am walking out, I see a familiar red head, Theodore.

"Hey! Hey Theo!" I attract his attention, he looks at me and a look of recognition flashes on his face, he smiles a huge smile and runs towards me.

He grabs me into a big, strong, bone crushing hug and I hug him back with the same enthusiasm.

We stay in the warm embrace until someone clears their throat, "Who's that Andi?" Ryder asks, seizing Theo up and down with sharp, cold, scrutinizing and calculative eyes.

"Oh, that's Theo, my close friend from elementary school, he changed schools so we lost touch. It's so great to see you again, Theo, we should catch up. How about a coffee?" I say, bursting with excitement at seeing my old friend.

Ryder just has a resting bitch face on, what's up with this dude. Meh who cares, maybe he is on his guy period.

Guy period!

I crack myself up.

"What about four? Today? At our place?" Theo asks.

"Sure! Meet you there." I smile and bid him goodbye.

"Do you maybe want to grab a tampon on the way back?" I ask Ryder, turning towards him once Theo is gone.

"Very funny. Ha ha ha!" He says sarcastically.

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