Chapter 25- No

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Aiden's POV

I wait for her reply patiently. She seems shocked and doesn't say anything. I become nervous. Will she say yes? Please say yes.

I look at Andrea when Rebecca slowly backs away, my sister gives me an encouraging smile, but I can see the doubt in her eyes. It's very minute but it's there.

"No." Rebecca whispers.

"No?" I questions again, stupidly. My mind not being able to wrap her reply.

"No." she firmly States again.

A few tears leave my eyes and I can hear few gasps also.

"Not until you buy me the limited edition pop tart that I asked you for three years ago." Rebecca says, a sly smile gracing her lips.

I groan, "Damn woman. You gave me a heart attack."

"Good for you, now I want that pop tart!" she orders.

"I don't have it now. But before our wedding I'll get it for you. That's a promise. Now, Rebecca Wilson would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" I ask, leaning my head on hers.

She gives me a mega watt smile and connects our lips. Guess that's a yes!

Everyone cheers and claps around us, but I only concentrate on the beautiful girl in front of me.

My fiancé!

Andrea's POV

I smile seeing both of them so happy. I had almost burst into tears when Rebecca said no. I was so heartbroken. I could see that Aiden was too.

But now comes the big part,

The wedding preparations!

Aiden said they would have the wedding as soon as possible. That is next week. Yes, he doesn't waste any time does he?

Next Friday they have the wedding. And today is Wednesday. So we have about eight days to get it all done!

It's going to be real hard,but I am sure we can do it.

The couple breaks apart their kiss and I drag Rebecca to my room.

"So your wedding is next Friday, that is nine days away so chop, chop, chop. We gonna prepare you for the wedding in such a way that someone will have to restrain Aiden when he sees you!" I say excitedly adding a wink.

Rebecca blushes and nods. Guess, she is used to Aiden and his no wasting time rule.

"First we have to call your parents and tell them the news. And then we'll enjoy our Christmas! From tomorrow we will began the shopping!" I tell her.

She nods and begins dialing her parent's number.

I walk out of the room, giving her some privacy.

Now, what I have been waiting for all day...


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