Chapter 36- Can I Marry This Dude?

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Andrea's POV


This is absolutely ridiculous. How could someone even think of such a thing?

Disappointed with the pieces of shits that call themselves humans. Like how does one even call themself civilized if they think such preposterous things.

A disgrace to the human race, Adam and Eve would be so disgusted by these bitches.

How can someone even think that I'd want to eat vanilla cupcakes?

Do I look like a pussy?

My goodness! What has this world even come to?!

Vanilla. Yuck!

No use of crying over spilt milk, I'll just have to deal with not having anything to eat.

I stare out of the window, hoping to see something interesting that can divert my mind.

There are cars driving past, people walking by, some laughing some crying. The air is cold. Everyone is wrapped in coats and scarves. This is all so winter! I am half expecting Santa to climb down a chimney and scream "ho ho ho."

The door to my ward opens and someone walks in.

What's his name? I seem to forget always.

River? No.

Rick? No no.


What the fuck is wrong with my brain?

I remember, "Hey Robert!" I beam at Robert.

"It's Ryder. Come on Andrea, you can't forget me." He looks broken and sad.

I feel bad for him, but what can I do? I don't remember him at all. I can barely remember myself, how does he expect me to remember him?

"I am sorry Ryder. It's just that no matter how hard I try I can't remember you. I can't recall seeing your face, or hearing your voice." I say.

He just nods and sets down a bag of something on the table.

"What's that?" I ask, extremely curious to know what is inside.

"I thought that you'd be hungry, so I brought something for you to eat!" He says nonchalantly.

"I love you!" I jump at the food.

He looks shocked for a moment and then a painful expression adorns his face, like someone just squeezed his heart.

Am I going crazy? I am just over analysing things.

I open the bag and find a burger and large fries.

Can I marry this dude?

Wait a second, there are donuts too?

This dude is seriously a god! I can't even, and the donuts are chocolate flavoured and glazed with chocolate.

Could this be any more perfect?

Nope. It can't!

I start eating my burger, occasionally stuffing my face with fries. Keeping the donuts saved for later.

Once I am done with the food, I slowly turn towards the donuts. Looking at them carefully.

Should I eat them all now? Or should I wait for sometime?

I should just finish them now, who knows when I might die!

And also the fact that I am a fatass and am craving sugar.

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