Chaptet 42-Basically I Am Hella Aroused And Hella Horny

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Andrea's POV:

I just ride in circles thinking of a place I can go, somewhere peaceful, where no one would disturb me.

Where should I go?

That's it!

The abandoned railway tracks.

That's where I'll go.

Ryder's POV:

There are only two possible places that Rea would go to.

The wishing well.

The abandoned railway track.

And how do I know?

Because I know my Rea extremely well, I know she wants to be in a calm and serene place.

"Take me to the tracks" I order Cole.

I dont know why, but I my gut feeling says that I'll find her there, and I am a man who listens to his gut no matter what.

Cole just nods and increases the speed of the car.

We reach in fifteen minutes and I find a Harley parked near the tracks.

"She's here." I tell him while jogging towards where my princess is. Cole gets the message and drives away.

I spot her sitting under a tree, with her eyes closed.

She looks so calm and beautiful, like an angel. The sun making her skin glow and the breeze blowing slowly on her hair.

A sight worth seeing, that's for sure. But this sight is only reserved for my eyes, mine only.

I walk up to her and she opens her eyes as if sensing my presence, I just sit next to her and breathe a sigh of relief.

She rests her head on my shoulder and I trace my fingers on her hands, my baby is finally under my finger tips, just how I like it.

Always in my reach, always under the spell of my touch.

"Sorry." She wishpers, burrying her face in the crook of my neck, if she doesn't stop doing that I might have to take her right here, right now.

Andrea's POV:

I slowly wishper a soft 'sorry' and burry my face in his neck, trying to take in all of his intoxicating scent.

This man will drive me crazy over the brink with sexual excitement.

Basically to put it in short words I am hella aroused and hella horny.

I place a soft kiss on his neck, eliciting a growl from him.

Is he a werewolf?


This is not a time to be thinking about the crazy theories you get because of over-wattpad-werewolf-stories-syndrome.

It's a thing!

I place another kiss, "Rea, if you continue to this I might have to fuck you senseless into the next century." He groans, his breaths coming out in short breaths.

"Shut up and just enjoy the moment Ryder."

He then does the unexpected, he pulls me on his lap.


Not expecting that at all.

Did the temperature rise suddenly or is it just me?

Probably just me!

"You are driving me crazy princess. Absolutely crazy. So can I please get a kiss?" He begs.

I don't answer him and directly, I just hold his face and place my lips on his.

His hold on my waist tightens, and he kisses me back.

It starts out as a slow kiss, just feeling each other's soft lips, but he slowly picks up the pace pulling me impossibly closer to him.

I wrap my hands around his neck and return the kiss with the same ferocity and passion.

He groans into the kiss and the sound vibrates throughout my body eliciting a soft but audible moan from me.

He runs his warm tongue on my lips asking permission to enter, I open my mouth and our tongues meet.

They glide over each other in perfect rhythm. His hands wander up and they entangle themselves in my hair.

I slowly bite his bottom lip and proceed to suck on it, damn his lips taste good.

I slowly bring my hands down and slip them under his shirt, running my hands up and down his torso.

His abs are rock hard, I kind of expected it from the amount of times he fights.

And he works out a lot, I am seriously starting to feel that my theory on him being a werewolf is true.

He then proceeds to hold the back of my head with one hand and slips one hand under my top.

I think the temperature rose up a few hundred degrees.

He carcasses my waist, running his fingers soothingly in a very sexual way.

Since when did he become a sex god?

Something I realise now is that those sparks that books tell you of are true, as his fingers trail on my stomach and waist, I feel tingles and sparks all over my body.

His hands tread dangerously close to my breasts and I pull back.

How much ever I like Ryder, I am not ready for this stage yet.

Ryder seems to understand this and pulls me in for a hug.

He hugs me tightly, as if I'd vanish if he'd lessen his hold on me even for the slightest bit.

I just smile.

I smile thinking of the amazing make out session and the amazing guy who's currently hugging the life out of me.

I just smile because finally everything is going right.

Or so she thought....

Another chapter!


This was a steamy one😉😉

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the intimacy they shared.

Until next chapter, happy reading!

Lots of love,

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