Chapter 20- Use A Tie To Strangle Them. At Least They'll Die In Style.

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Chapter 20

Chapter Title: Use A Tie To Strangle Them. At Least They'll Die In Style.


I level my breathing which had become very fast, and close my eyes.

Okay, relax Andrea it's only Ryder, what's the most he could do?

Well... That's not reassuring at all. I don't know what he can do.

I am so so dead. And the worst part is I don't know what he plans to do.

"That wasn't very nice what you did there. I didn't expect this from you, princess. But I must say I am very very impressed." Ryder breathes in my ear, making sure to trap me properly between him and the wall.

Haven't I been in this position before?

Focus, Andrea.

Oh yeah sorry.

"What do you mean, Ryder? I didn't do anything." I play innocent, hoping he buys it.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Lying isn't a good habit Andrea. And I am not buying any of your innocent act." he whispers.

"What do you want, Ryder?" I snap, having enough of his games.

"A lot of things," he closes his eyes as if controlling himself and continues, "but right now a kiss would be great."

He slams his lips against mine and secures his hands against my waist. He licks my lips, begging for entrance but I deny.

Oh no hun, I got plans for you.

I slowly kiss him back, picking up the pace. I bite his lips and run my tongue over to soothe the pain.

He must have gotten the hint because he smirks and grants me entrance.

My tongue and his have a battle for dominance and I win. I ain't submitting, bitch!

My tongue traces every corner of his mouth, and his grip on my waist tightens.

But suddenly he bites my tongue, not very hard, but hard enough to show his dominance. His patience long gone, he growls his way into my mouth. But this time I am okay with it.

He traces all of my mouth, twice, as of he couldn't get enough of it. His tongue leaving a hot trail behind.

He slowly begins sulking on my bottom lip, it's pure bliss.

Suddenly he pulls away and shoots me, it's all done in a blink of an eye and I can't wrap my head around it.

Before I can even take control of my senses, he comes close and whispers in my ear, "Don't think I have forgotten about the bucket list, princess. We are gonna get back to it as soon as we reach home."

He places a small kiss on my ear and turns and walks away, but he then turns again,

"Oh and your dominating side is totally hot, princess."

He winks and leaves. Leaving me a blushing mess.

The nerve of him. I will castrate him and burry him alive. That asshole.

Fuming I head outside the war zone and check my phone.


1 from phone company
8 from Hoe Bag Supreme
1 from Creepy Babysitter Lady
2 from Sperm Donor 1

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