Chapter 41- He Is Probably Being A Basic High Scool Guy.

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I get off the bike and take a deep breath. I look around and take in the views of my favourite place, the wishing well.

The last time I came here I ran into Ryder, the ass.

A lot has changed since then. If you ask me honestly I like this change, getting to know Ryder better, trying to understand why the well got us together.

I sit down near the bottom of the well, looking at the bricks, tracing them randomly while resting my head on the well.

What is Ryder doing right now? Does he know that I left the hospital? Is he worried?

He probably is being a basic high school guy.


Who cares?!


Ryder's POV:

Where the fuck is she?

That's the only thing going through my head for the past 15 minutes.

That girl, I swear to god, she'll be the death of me.

Lord knows where she is and how she escaped.

How does she manage to do this?

Every time I feel that I have finally seen all of her craziness she does something such as this and leaves me baffled.

I rub my forehead and pace around in the hospital room waiting for the hospital workers to check the CCTV footage to find out where my princess went.

Oh Lord, please let her be safe, I swear the moment I find her I won't let her out of my sight, but just please this once please let her be safe.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair for what seems like the thousandth time.

Why did she have to run away? She could have told me and I would have taken her outof here.

Why Rea?

Why did you have to do this?

Don't you know that it hurts me knowing that you are out there, hurt and unprotected.

I know that you're very well capable of killing people with your bare hands, but that doesn't stop the worry from eating me.

Cole bursts into the room, "We found the footage. Your girlfriend kidnapped and mauled a nurse and then proceeded to rob her identity and escaped the building. Then she went to the parking lot and hot wired a bike."

What the?!

"She did what?!" I shout half exasperated and half in awe.

My baby hot wired a bike with bare minimum supplies, I am so proud of her.

Wait a minute, she hot wired a fucking bike and is riding it currently to god knows where in a nurse's outfit.

She never fails to amaze me.

But fucking hell, she's on the loose with a gang of assholes desperately trying to kill her.

This is not good, I repeat this is not good.

I need to find her immediately.

"Cole grab your car and gun, we are going on a hunt to find my girlfriend." I say determinedly.

"Since when is she your girlfriend? Because the last I remember is you desperately trying to get her to fall for you while she rejected your sorry ass." He smart mouths.

"Shut up, dick." Is my only reply.

He sniggers, but then grabs the keys.

We both rush downstairs and get into his car, we need to find her fast.

Where could she be?

Which place would she want to go?

Rea, princess, where are you?


Andrea's POV:

The sound of twigs snapping pull me out of my sleep.

Wait a minute, why does it feel like someone is using my spinal cord as a kitchen knife?

I get up with a groan and stretch myself to put my bones back in their place.

Note to self: it's not a good idea to sleep by the well on the hard, cold ground.

Back to the point, what the fuck was the noise?

I am not dumb enough to term it as a small animal or something, because whenever people do that they end up dead or in the hospital, and for the record I have had a lifetime supply of hospitals.

Never want to go to that dreadful place ever again.

I slowly make my way towards the place where I heard the twig snapping, I make sure not to make any noise and try to be as quiet as a mouse.

I grab a fallen branch which will have to become my temperoray weapon, and I also have a scalpel.

I honestly feed sad for whoever is trying to attack me. I mean I have two weapons, I am known to be deadly weaponless, but with a weapon I become invincible.

I hear a tiny tiny noise, shuffling, I turn around and whack the branch straight into my attackers eyes.

That must have hurt like a bitch.

The man falls to the ground because of the suddeness and force of my attack. I stomp my foot right on his 'man parts' and he let's out a scream/cry that sounds like he is a banshee.

I punch him twice in the face, first breaking his nose, then proceeding to dislocate his jaw so that he would shut the fuck up.

But what I don't realise is that my punch is so strong that instead of dislocating his jaw, I break it.

His gun is lying few feet away from him.

Is he stupid?

I mean really?

Didn't his parents teach him anything?

I get his gun and hold it loving the feel of the cold metal.

I crouch down to his level, grab his hair, "Listen here bucko, I am letting you go very easy this time. So go back to your boss and tell him to stay the fuck away from me and my gang or I will bring all hell on him. Got it?"

He nods his head pathetically and I let go of his hair.

I get up and walk back to 'my' bike. Honestly what a waste of space, not even worth to be called a man.

Pathetic little fucktard thought he could attack me, and that too with what?

With a measly little gun.

What a dumb fuck.

And on top of that he chose to attack me from so close, he definitely had his death wish written.

When will they learn?

When will they learn that choosing to go against me is even worse than walking through hellbarefoot with needles sticking inside your brain.

I sigh and mount my bike.

I need to go somewhere else to clear my fucking mind.


Hey guys!!!!!!

New update!!!!!


I am not as bad as I thought I was!

Steamy chapter up ahead, get ready!

Until next chapter, happy reading!

Lots of love,

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