Chapter 11- James Bond Is Going To Come And Take Me To Space Prison.

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I got a deal for you guys:
If this chapter gets ten reads and at least five votes, I will add a special chapter. It could be a huge easter egg, and might be important for the story.
Now that this is clear, let the chapter begin.

Andrea's POV

I inhaled the food kept in front of me because

• I am exhausted.

• It is a burger.

• It is free food.

It is currently lunch and I am being interrogated by the police. They want all the witnesses they can.

But I am just here for the free food. They brought us McD, and by us I mean Alex, Cole, Ryder, Grayson and I, and all through lunch there were a bunch of envious eyes on us.

Kids these days.

Ok, I would have done the same.

The puppy is currently sleeping on my lap, the vet came and checked up on the little guy, he is alright just a little shook.

We gave him some milk and put him to sleep, no we didn't drug him. Ok just a little bit.

And this little dude refuses to leave me, and I am ok with it as long as it doesn't ruin my books.

Anyway, back to the present I finish my food and drink some water. The police lady clears her throat indicating that our interrogation session has begun. Kyle and Sof shoot me a thumbs up and I smile back at them.

She begins to talk, "Hello. I am officer Emily and this is my co-worker officer James, " she shoots a small smile, full of affection to her co-worker but he is oblivious, covering up her disappointment she continues, "so as you might have guessed we are here to ask you a few simple questions so that we can prevent this from happening again."

Officer James nods and says, "Which one of you is Alex?" Alex raises his hand slowly. And they all walk off together.

Oh god, what is going to happen. I know I haven't done anything wrong but there is this nagging feeling that is always present and it makes me think the worst of all situations.

And right now its conjuring up random shit that is way too far fetched.

Brain I really don't think James Bond is going to come and take me away to space prison on a potato car.

Be real. There is no way James Bond would even touch me with a 10 foot pole.

What am I even doing?

I close my eyes and try to wrap my head around what happened today.

There were people with guns at our school.

I hit them with bricks.

I knocked one out with a rod.

I held a gun.

And I am about to be interrogated.

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