Chapter 15- Wow, I Must Be On A New Level Of Mind-blown!

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I pull away from him and he looks down at me. The awkwardness that I  was scared about is nonexistent.

The stall person asks us what we want and I point to the small diary, with a lock attached.

I don't know why I chose it, but I have a feeling that this diary is going to be an important part of Ryder and my relationship.

"Where next, princess?" he asks, still looking down at me.

Thinking for a bit, "Let's just walk around and try the food stalls?" I suggest.

He nods in approval and grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers and pulled me towards the first food stalls. While this might seem a normal act, but my heart didn't think so.

The rate at which it was beating would make you think I just ran a marathon. What is happening?

My train of thought is put to a halt as we reach a cotton candy stand. It's really big, bigger than the usual ones and has about 5 machines.

Oooh. Me likey.

Grinning like an idiot I turn towards Ryder, who has now unfortunately left my hand.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go on a one way trip to diabetes!" I joke.

He laughs and shaking his head and then grabs a menu?

What the heck?! Since when did cotton candy stalls have menus? I voice my confusion and shock.

"Apparently since now. But check out these cool flavours. Bubblegum, Rainbow, Lemon, Raspberry, Strawberry, Orange, Blackcurrant, Chocolate and pizza." Ryder says, in an excited voice.

Pizza? Wow, I feel so old. Like what is the world doing? Is this science? Is this what they meant when they said the greater good?

Wow, I must be on a new level of mind-blown because I use Harry Potter references for extremely special occasions, like such.

We order the pizza and rainbow flavoured ones because apparently they are the newest trend. Meh who cares!

Its just got to have sugar in it and I'll be fine with it. People included.

Wow, I should put that quote on a shirt. Remind me later to do that.

We wait for five minutes and our cotton candy arrives. Ryder begins to pay, but today luck is on my side because he is carrying the cotton candy so I reach into my purse and pay the stall person.

Smiling in triumph I look at Ryder, who looks annoyed, but I don't care. He doesn't always have to pay. He can find another way to be gentlemanly.

Grabbing the Rainbow cotton candy in one hand and my diary in the other hand I start walking ahead, knowing fully that Ryder will follow me and catch up to me in a moment.

Just as I thought, two seconds later Ryder is walking side by side plopping pieces of pizza flavoured cotton candy into his mouth, looking around at all the people that have come here.

I can see dozens and dozens of families roaming around, laughing and having a great time.

Many couples are also here, some young, some old. Cherishing their loved ones, I guess.

I see three girls and two boys running around, chasing each other. Laughing and not giving a care in the world, it feels so good to be surrounded by such positivity.

Seeing everyone so happy and carefree is pretty refreshing.

I don't realise that we have stopped walking and are directly in front of a sign that reads Burger Plaza.

Yay! Food!

Ryder and I walk inside, and take a seat. It's mostly empty, so a waiter comes and gives us our menu. I look through it, deciding on what I should eat.

Because I am a vegetarian it's sometimes hard for me to find something to eat. And how I became vegetarian is a long long story.

I decide on taking a large veggie cheeseburger with large fries and a chocolate milkshake.

Ryder decides to go all out and orders two bacon cheese specials with two large fries and a strawberry milkshake.

I am somewhat impressed.

After five minutes of playing with the  paper napkins and making mountains of salt, I try to start a conversation, but I am blank.

I look around trying to find something interesting to say.

I spot a boy around our age sitting two tables aside and do the most stupidest thing I could,

"Isn't he cute?" I whisper to Ryder, pointing to the guy.

Ryder looks at the guy, looks at me, looks at the guy, then looks down at himself and then finally at me, before giving the verdict,

"Please, he looks like a starved homeless guy, and not the fashionable kind. And I can't believe you, with me sitting opposite to you, you could be interested in someone else?! I take that as an insult." he says all in one breath.

Narcissist asshole.

Fortunately, the waiter arrives and places our food in front of us.

I began inhaling the food along with my milkshake. It tastes so so good, the cheese just melts and blends with all the other spices and it's heaven in a bite.

The milkshake is on a whole new level, it's like happiness packed in a bottle topped with a straw.

I finish eating my food and drink the rest of the milkshake. Ryder isn't far behind and finishes soon after.

Here we go again, the bill.

Ryder knowingly looks at me as if daring me to pay. Well unlucky for him, I don't back down from challenges.

I march up to the cashier and am about to grab the bill, but a larger hand grabs it first and places the money, faster than lightning.

I glare at him. But he shrugs it off and ushers me outside, "Princess, whenever you're with me you won't have to pay for anything. No, no arguments. I like paying for you, and I am not saying you aren't capable of paying for yourself, I am saying please let me do something for you. Please agree with me, I'll buy you chocolate, I promise."

Wow. I didn't expect that. It's really nice of him. So I agree, not because he bribed me with chocolate. Okay, because he bribed me with chocolate.

He smiles and leads us to a photo booth. Time to click some crazy pictures!

We get in the booth and pose. I pose all that I could think of. Pout, cross-eyed, grinning, my tongue out.

But when we get the pictures one tops them all.

Ryder is kissing my cheek while I am laughing into the camera. It's by far one of my best pictures. I guess it came out real cute!


Enjoy this chapter! And a hint, the next chapter will have the ferris wheel.
So comment what should happen when they ride the ferris wheel.

How did you like the chapter?
It was kind of a filler, but better is to come.

Tell me everything!

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Lots of love,
Khushi! ❤

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