Chapter 44- Why Cant My Fairy Godmother Bippity Boppity Me A Degree?

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I am going back to school today. After a million years, back to the same building, seeing the faces of the same shit bags again.

Why can't my fairy godmother bippity boppity me a degree?

Is it too much to ask?

Sighing, I drag myself out of bed and into the shower.I set the water to the devil's preferred temperature, then I begin to relax my body. Once all the sleep from my eyes and body was gone, I stepped out of the shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a crop top.

I hate school.

Chanting this mantra over and over in my head like a broken record, I eat breakfast and get in my car.

Soon I pull up in the school parking lot. Not a pleasure seeing these pieces of shits again.

Why am I so pissed today?

I just have this feeling something is going to go very, very wrong.

I brush off the feeling and walk inside the building.

For a moment, everyone stops and looks at me. Well I guess, news spreads fast here.

There are a few whispers.

"Get along with your business people. Well you can continue to stare if you'd like to be punched in the face." I threaten them menacingly.

Quickly all the heads turned.

I walk, smirking to myself.

I look around, not knowing whom I'm searching for, yet my eyes stop at a certain locker and I understand.

I walk towards him, in a steady pace, a small smile makes its way onto my face and all my anger and foul mood melts away into oblivion.

I tap his shoulder and he turns, his lips form a huge smile and I melt a little.

Don't tell that to anyone though.

"Hey." I say breathlessly for some reason.

"Hey princess," he greets me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in for a hug, "I missed you" he whispers into my hair.

I hear gasps all around me and can already picture the ostrich egg sized eyes of all the people of my school.

We break apart and he holds my hand, we walk to my first class and find seats in the last row.

The teacher drones on and on and I zone out.

I feel that I should tell Ryder that I do really like him, I mean then I can freely be possessive over him.


I do notice the stares he gets from those leeches on heels. Only I am allowed to eye rape him.

I think of ways to confess my undying love for him, minus the exaggeration, and I am blank.

How does one tell a guy she likes him, maybe kind of loves him, without serenading him in presence of the Queen?

Oh lord help me please!

Suddenly a mildly sharp thing pokes my side, "Psst. Earth to Rea, Earth to Rea, are you there?"

"What do you want Ryder?" I snarl, okay not the best way to treat your potential boyfriend, but who cares?

"Jeez woman, calm down, I was just asking if you wanted my notes since you were daydreaming about me the whole time." Ryder says, holding his hands up in defense.

"I was not daydreaming of you, you dumbass." I oh so blatantly lie, but I guess my face gave it away, because he leans back with a huge ass smirk on his face and cocks his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"What?" I ask him defensively.

"Nothing babe, you just have to learn how to lie a little better. Your face was a dead giveaway, next time try not to look like a tomato and maybe I'll buy your lies." He smirks, while getting up and holding out his hand for me to hold.

I take his hand, muttering a thousand curses under my breath.

Smart alec asshole.

The day goes on and I try to think of what to say and how to confess?

Fuck this, I'm just outright going to ask him out, I can't do all these grand schemes and shit.

Give me a pen and ask me to kill a man with it I can do that, but give me feelings and a boy, I'll be dumber than a box of shredded crayons.

As lunch arrives, my hands start to sweat a bit, why the heck am I even nervous?

Holy Hera, I'm finally losing it!

I grab some food and sit at a table, I try to eat, but I dont feel hungry, I play with my food, glancing a million times at the door, waiting for Ryder to walk in.

He doesn't come, my anxiety is high and I take deep breaths to calm myself down.

I'm sure he is fine, he must just have had something important to do.

So important that he forgot to inform you?

You're not making it better conscience.

I text him.


Hey. Is everything okay?

Yes princess. Everything is fine.

I'll tell you everything once I come back.

Meet me at 3, in the parking lot.

Ok. Be safe!

I feel somewhat better now, knowing that he is okay. I'll tell him everything at 3.

The day drags on slowly and I'm counting down the minutes to 3. My patience is running low, and my anxiety is getting the best of me. Why wont time hurry up already?

Finally the last bell rings, indicating that school is over and its 3.

I run out of the class like Usain Bolt and reach the parking lot in record time. As soon as my eyes land on Ryder I run towards him and hug him, almost knocking him off his feet.

"You don't get to leave me like that, you asshole." I chide him.

He just holds me tight.

After a moment we pull apart and he looks at me in a very broken way, before I can ask anything he utters the words that break me,

"I'm moving to London forever."


Here's the update that I promised. And yes I haven't died yet, but I have a feeling some of you are seriously wanting to kill me.

I'm sorry I'm an evil author, but I promise they'll get the ending they deserve.

Sooooooo, yes this was an intense chapter.

Comment how you think Andrea will react and will she confess her feelings?

Till next chapter, happy reading!

Lots of love,


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