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7 years later:

"Miss the job is done, they are no longer a posing threat."

"Thank you Agent 25. Your job is done, you may leave now. I'll alert you if I need anything else."

With that Agent 25 leaves and I'm finally alone in my office. I look around and smirk seeing the walls decorated with endless appreciation of my team's work and success.

The International Mafia Organisation had found out about my gang 5 years ago when we totally destroyed and took over one of the major gangs of Canada. They seemed to have liked our technique and my gang became a part of their invite only organization.

Fast forward a few years, we are one of their top 3 gangs all over the world.

Running such a big gang isnt easy, there's a lot of complications and betrayal.

Just like now for example, Agent 65 was one of my trusted men, but he had gone against me and leaked some information to another gang. It's good that I stopped trusting anyone long ago, because the moment he was in front of me I knew he had done something I wouldn't like.

I got him to vomit all the things he had done and then I tortured him. Oh I tortured him good.

He paid for his mistake and it was another reminder to all my gang members that betrayal is the only way that they would ever be punished by me.

The telephone on my desk rings. It must be someone important if my secretary let them through, directly to contact me.

I pick up the receiver, "Andrea Red speaking."

"Pleasant morning Miss. Red, I'm Clark Kingston from IMO," my attention is at its peak, the president of the International Mafia Organisation has called me, it must be something important, "I would like to cordially invite you to the fiftieth annual Gangleader Of The Year awards. You're one of the nominees this year, so you must have to compete with the other nominees, and this time, the championship is being held at London. You failing to attend will be a huge disgrace, and you know better to disrespect me Andrea."

"I'll be there boss, just tell me when."

"All the information has been sent to your mail. Best of luck."

With that the line goes dead.


Out of all the places they could choose they chose London.

Well there's no other go.

See you soon London.



This is the end of the first book. The sequel will be up soon.

I'm extremely grateful to each one of you.

It's been amazing watching these characters come to life and I'm more than excited for what's to come.

Happy reading, see you in the sequel!

Loads of love,

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