SEASON 1 :||: Prologue

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She was so young, and already she was used to the yelling. The constant banging around of furniture throughout the night. She could hear her mother's screams, blistering her ears like the hot sun against snow white skin.

She'd watch him beat her from the stairwell, where she cried as they screamed and hit each other. He'd drink, and drink, and drink some more. Sometimes he wouldn't come home, and her mother would cry out of misery. The little girl never did know what to do about all of this. She didn't understand why it was happening.

She started her first year of school. She wore old, tattered clothes and a silent frown. Kids talked to her. Often times she was quiet, but once in a blue moon she spoke up. She had a few friends and they all talked sometimes.

She started realizing something about herself as she got older. She realized how much she had bottled up in her head. How lonely and scared she felt. She watched her father beat her mother until she wasn't moving almost every night. They barely payed attention to her. From an early age, she learned to take care of herself. Making herself food, and tidying herself up, and even keeping her own possetions decently organized.

And yet, she still couldn't help stare at herself in the mirror sometimes. And she stared for a long time. There was something about her dull eyes and chapped lips that confused her. About her frail frame and sickly features. She was alone in this world.

She was six when she watched her father argue with a strange man at the door. They're words got more dirty and more violent the louder they spoke. They threatened each other and started fighting. She watched in horror when her father grabbed his shot gun and blew the mans brains out right on the living room floor. She would never be the same again.

When she was seven, a girl pushed her to the ground from the top of the playground. She stared up at the girl blankly with the wind knocked out of her. Her sickening smirk and echoing laughter sent shivers down her spine. And she felt a burning sensation in her head and deep in her numb heart.

She picked herself up slowly, and stared at the girl who mocked her from the playground above. She gripped her jacket feircly and started climbing the ladder to the top.

"What's up with you, freak? Are you getting mad??" The girl giggled out obnoxiously. Her prissy little followers laughing after her. Y/n approached the girl without a word, before head butting her right in the nose.

The girl screamed and fell back. The raged child fell on top of her and started hitting her agressivley until with closed hands. She was bruising and bleeding. When the other girls started screaming and the teachers gathered around, Y/n spat in the brats face and shoved her to fall head first down the slide.

No one ever touched her again. Nor did they dare to talk to her.

When her sister was born, her life changed. She found herself cradling her with a bottle at night while their parents were away or asleep. When Y/n was a baby, things weren't as bad as they were.

Her mother and father were rather sober, up until her father gained a gambling addiction and put their family in massive debt. After that, her parents started fighting, but her father wouldn't dare let her mother leave him. So she stayed.

Her parents had grown completely negligent of her and the younger child.

She took care of her as she got older. She sheltered her from the years of abuse. She sung to her and tucked her in at night. She found ways to give her and herself a proper meal throughout the weeks, although it was a struggle sometimes.

Jilted Junkies :||: Kenny x Reader || South Park FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now