Chapter Eleven

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"There you are!" Wendy exclaimed, bursting through the door of Butters' basement with Bebe and Annie. Kenny and I were sharing a bean bag on the floor, and Butters was laying on the carpet eating the last of the pizza.

"What the hell are you doing here?? We've been trying to get ahold of you on the Walkie all day!!" She exclaimed.

"We're watching Breaking Bad," I said, "And I turned the Walkie Talkie off hours ago."

"Shh! We're about to get to the part where- he had to make that toxic gas to kill those guys in the RV!!" Butters said.

"Oh my god, he does what??" I grinned at the screen. 

"Heidi told us about what happened with the boys, and the Pringles. Did you really have them hidden this whole time??" Bebe questioned me.

"Yeah, but listen, we were going to tell everyone  eventually, when we thought it was the right time. You do know what will happen if the Pringles are known to the public..." I squinted at her, sipping some orange soda out of Kenny's half empty can. 

"Whatever, that doesn't matter right now. What are we going to do about the boys?" Wendy questioned. Kenny and I looked at each other.

"Fuck if we know." Kenny shrugged.

"What?? What kind of answer is that??" She asked.

"A truthful one. Kyle and Cartman still want me dead, and now that they know where to look, they're going to get the new Pringles flavor. At that point, that's when we start worrying about it." I said.

"Are you serious?? We have to start worrying now!!" Annie shouted.

"Why? Just to start back at square one? So let's say we do get the Pringles back. And then what? The boys still don't trust us, and then the whole town will be after us too! The least we could do it let them have it." I said.

"They don't have to know it was us!!" She said.

"Right. And who will Kyle and Cartman think took it? The tooth fairy?" I gave her a look.

"So you're just going to let them have it? Let Cartman have the Damon's power??" Wendy repeated the words thoroughly.

"There's really not much we can do. We were going to start thinking about a plan after Cartman got ahold of them officailly." I said, focusing on the show again.

"He'll kill you, before we come up with anything!" She said.

"Well... Kenny said he'd protect me..." I mumbled.

"Yep." He agreed, watching the TV but still listening to our conveesation.

"Kenny, think about that. If Cartman were to hold a gun to Y/n's head, you'd actually stand in front of her and take that real bullet? And you'd accept the fact that you'd actually never come back because you'd be dead??" Bebe questioned him seriously.

"Yeah, it's not really that complicated, Bebe." He finally eyed her, crossing his legs.

"If Cartman sent the whole town to grab her and tear her into pieces, you'd actually sacrifice yourself in her place? Have your skin ripped open, and tendons torn??"

"I'd wear a wig that looks like her hair, and everything." Kenny proclaimed, making me giggle and blush at him.

"I'm being serious, Kenny!!" Bebe exclaimed.

"So am I..." Kenny glared at her.

"You guys. Do you know how powerful those Pringles are? Have you seriously given up that easily?? We'll never be able to stop him if they get into his hands!!" Wendy said.

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