^Chapter 1^

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The sound of my alarm clock wakes me up. Monday's are the absolute worst. I slowly get out of my bed and hop in the shower. I play my favorite song "girlfriend" by heavyweight.
**If you don't know the song I left a video right here**

After my shower I quickly blow dry my hair and straighten it. I did I light makeup look for today. A little bit of foundation, concealer, mascara, highlight, blush/bronzer and lip gloss. That's what I normally do in the morning when I'm in a rush. I guess I got caught up in the shower with my music. I picked out this outfit for today:

 I picked out this outfit for today:

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You walk downstairs to my kitchen. My dad left me a note as always. My father is rarely ever home. He leaves before I get up in the morning and he comes back when I go to sleep. I pretty much live alone now. My sister, Maddie is always with her boyfriend Jack and only comes home on Wednesday's. I always get upset with her when she leaves because she leaves me here with my abusive father. My dad honestly really does scare me to death when he comes home early because I know he's only coming home early to beat me. 

ANYWAYSSS I grab myself an apple so I can eat it on my way to school. I walk to my car and buckle my seat belt. I always make sure to do so because my mom died in a car crash. I believe maybe she would still be here if I wouldn't have been rushing her to get me to dance. She died a couple years ago when I was still dancing at ALDC. Tears prick my eyes but I quickly stop myself from crying. I always try and put up an act making myself think I'm strong but I'm really actually not at all.

I pull up in the school parking lot and realize that I didn't eat any of my apple. oH wHAle. I laugh at myself quietly and start walking into school. I stand by my locker waiting for my best friend Lauren. She been by my side since day one. I love her very much and I really don't know where I would be without her.

"Heyy, Kenz you ok?" Lauren says with a frown to me.

"Oh, yeah yeah, I'm fine. I just woke up late and I'm still tired." I reply to Lauren with a small smile.

Lauren starts to babble along. I have a tendency to stare into space and think about how much better my life would be if my mom were still alive. It's ok though. I know that my mom is in a much better place. My dad is only abusive because he's still super upset about my mother passing. They loved each other very much. My father tells me it's my fault she died. I'm starting to believe him a lot more than before.

"MACKENZIE!!" The hall monitor screams at me.

"Yeah?" I say confused. I must have really been thinking about this for a while.

"You've been standing here not blinking and just staring off into lala land for 20 minuets."

"Sor-" I try and say to the crabby hall monitor.


I run off into math. Shit I can't believe Lauren just left me there. Ugh, I hate school.
**after school**

"Hey Kenz wanna hang out at my house and do homework?" Lauren asks me while I walk to my car.

"Yeah, lets do it! I'll be over in 10 minuets." I reply in a happy tone.

I drive home and quickly change into a pair of leggings and a hoodie. I grab a bag of Takis and walk out of my house to my car. Again making sure to buckle my seatbelt I drive off. Lauren lives about 7 houses down from my subdivision. I could walk but I'm too lazy. I pull into Laurens driveway and walk into her house. That's when I get a notification on my iPhone X.

"You have been added to a group chat."


Ohhhh cliff hanger. Y'all prolly know what gunna happen anyways. (728 words)Sorry if this is bad it's my first ever book that's I've ever published so I really want some feedback on how I could improve!

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