^Chapter 13^

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That's when our gate was called to board the plane.

I smile over at John as I quickly get up from my seat. "Let's goooo!" I say while running to our spot on line. "I'm so excited to meet everyone!"

John's point of view

God, I can't believe that this is actually happening. I can't believe that the girl I've crushed on since I accidentally added her to the groupchat is finally going to meet the rest of my friends.  AND I can't possibly forget that she's going to be staying with me!

The gang has so many things planned for these 2 weeks. I can't wait. I can't even imagine how excited Kenzie must be. "John! Give your ticket to the lady!" Kenz wakes me from my inner thought. Dammit. That was kind of embarrassing.

Kenzie and I find our seats, right in the middle of the aircraft. Mackenzie insisted that she took the window seat. Great. Now I'm stuck with sitting next to a stranger. Well, anything for my girl. Okay, okay. She's not really my girl, I hope she will be one day though. I look over at Kenzie and she has already put her beats headphones on and was listening to her music. I love Kenzie'sr taste in music, it makes her... who she is.

Soon enough I drift off into a soft, but deep sleep.

Kenzie's point of view

I look over at Johnny and he has already fallen asleep. Its only been 10 minutes. I laugh to myself. I tend to overthink a lot. It's definitely an anxiety thing. It gets the worse at night... well, it used to. For some reason, John makes my night anxiety very calm. I almost never overthink before falling asleep anymore. For the past 3 days, when Johnny was sleeping with me, I-  was happy. He just like makes all the pain and anxiety go away.

I mean yes I did smoke a lot of weed when he was dating Nadia but that was because I was self conscious at the time and I was just not myself. Now, I don't feel the need to let go and smoke because Johnny is like my 'weed' now, I guess you could say. He just makes me calm.

ANyWayS, I decided to mess with Johnny a little bit. I slowly reach down at my bag, trying not to wake him up. The plastic of the bag makes a crinkling noise. I cringe at the sound, as I look over at Johnny and make sure he hasn't awoken. I sigh in relief. He's still sound asleep, giving off little baby snores every once and a while. I finally get a worm out and quickly drop it in his slightly opened mouth. I laugh.... maybe a little too loud.
**shout out to that one episode of dance moms when someone put a gummy worm in Abby Lee's mouth while she was sleeping on the bus**

John's eyes shoot open and his head pops up, making the soft gummy fall perfectly in his mouth. He looks at me while his tired eyes. "Fuck you." He laughs a little while playfully slapping my arm.

I frown trying to make it seem like he hit me too hard. "Yeah, fuck me." I lightly snort, hoping that He will comprehend the dirty joke I had implied. John laughed with me. I think he got the joke. I think to myself while slowing down my laugh. I didn't want to get in trouble with the fuckin, rude ass plane assistant lady's. I hate them bitches.

I look out the window and see the beautiful clouds floating in the air. Wow. Life is just great. I take a Snapchat video of the clouds peaking through the window, then I switch the camera to me and Johnny. He does his cute little smile and I look up at him. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead. My smile turns into a face of surprise. I quickly stop the video and blush. Wow. I'm such a nerd. I shouldn't be blushing from a tiny ass kiss on the forehead.

I can tell that John sees me blushing by the way the smirk is on his face. "Aw, is someone blushing?" He lightly strokes his thumb on my cheek.

I turn my face even farther away from him. Dammit, why do I have to be such a nerd. "I'm not blushing." I say to Johnny while pushing his hand away.

John sighs. Is he frustrated at me? There goes the overthinking again. "Mackenzie. You don't have to hide your pretty face from me." Johnny turns my face towards his.

I laugh. "That was corny, you bitch." I say while still laughing. "But it was true." He quickly responds.

I pull up the arm rest and lay my head on Johnny's lap. I don't care what others around me think anymore. I just want to sleep. "Goodnight?" John says with a laugh. I nod my head and close my eyes.

The sound of the plane pilot awakes me from my slumber. "We will be landing in 10 minuets, please buckle your seatbelts. Thank you!"

I pick myself up from Johns lap and I see that He had fallen asleep, too. I tap on his shoulder until he is awake. "Wake up sleepyhead. We're about to land."

His green orbs slightly open and he smiles at the sight of me. I smile back at him. I quickly buckle my seatbelt at the turbulence. Turbulence scares me a little bit. I look out the window and see the view of Los Angeles. "Look!" I say to Johnny as I point out the window. He laughs and look me in the face. "I know hun. It great ain't it." He says while grabbing at my hand.

The plane glides down the runway. I provide my attention to Johnny with a huge smile on my face. "I can't wait." I finally say after looking into his beautiful, green eyes for a least 30 seconds.

He smirks at me. This boy is going to be the actual death of me. "Come on!" He says while pulling on my shirt.

I hop up out of my seat accidentally hitting my head on the ceiling of the aircraft. "Ow, fuck." I say while rubbing my head.

John looks at me with a frown. "Let me make your boo boo feel better." He kisses my head, this time it was much longer than the other ones, at least it left like it.

After waiting for 2 minuets John and I finally get out of the plane. We run down the hall way thingy that like connects to the plane and quickly try and find my luggage in the baggage claim. "I can't believe this is actually happening." I say out loud.

As I say that sentence I hear the voices of a group of teenagers. "MACKENZIE!!" This is it. I say to myself before turning around to face the group.


Wowww! I kinda liked making this chapter not gunna lie. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did! Also for the people who have been reading my book since I first published it, I happened to make a new cover because I like this cover a lot more. Don't forget to vote and comment.💕 (1205) words

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