^Chapter 15^

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He looks back at me. I think he can see my nervous face... because he just smiled at me as he opened the door. Okay, Kenzie you got this....

John walks me into the kitchen where his mom and Dad are. The rest of the group goes right up to Johnny's room. "Mom, Dad, this is Mackenzie." He slightly touches my back making me more comfortable.

I give a little wave. "It's very nice to meet you." I say while looking at the both of them, trying to be as calm as possible.

They look at each other and give a confident nod. "You know, we've heard lots about you. John loves to talk about you." His Dad says with a smile.

I look over at John. The pink color of his pale cheeks turns into a bright red.  Aww. "All good thing I hope." I reply with a little laugh.

His mom nods her head. "Of course sweetie, now go run off."

I wave goodbye. Me and John run up the stairs to his room. "Do you really talk about me a lot?" I ask while he opens the door to his room.

I take in the smell of his cologne floating in the air. It smells great. "Well of course I do, there is so much to talk about with a great person like you." He says as we sit on his bed as the others sit on the floor.

I roll my eyes at his cheesy ass sentence. "That was cheesy." I say while leaning into him but still looking at the others.

The blonde looks at me with big, beautiful, eyes. "Can we have some weed now?" She whispers so loud to the point where it's not whispering any more.

I change my view to Johnny's face. "Will your parents smell it or something?" I ask, I was not boutta look like a bad bitch in front of his parents, no way.

He nods. "I can tell them to leave so I can have 'alone time' with my friends." He says putting air quotes over alone time.

John runs down the stairs to talk to his parents. "Ok Kenzie, spill.  Are you and Johnny a thing or not." Annie says smiling, to make it seem like she's not being a bitch.

I think. Are we?........no. "Oh my goodness. Not really guys. I don't want John to get mad at me if I tell you anything." I reply to the group.

They all give each other 'the look' the look that says "they fucked"

"-Wait guys! Me and Johnny didn't do anything, do not worry!" I say quickly, realizing the look they gave each other.

Hayden changes the subject. "Oooo! Let's play a game when Johnny comes back!" He says all excited.

I giggle. "What about the weed." I say as John re-enters the room.

"What's goin on." He says while sitting down on the bed, this time closer to me.

I look over at him, Then at Hayden. " Hayden wants the play a game but I wanna smoke weed-" I was interrupted by cute little Ruby. "I wanna smoke weed toooo!" She says all happy like.

I giggle again. She's so adorable. "Let's do both.?" I compromise but still thinking on if that's a good idea.

We all give each other a look that reads "best idea ever!" I guess that what we're doing then.

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