^Chapter 9^

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It's been a week since I hung out with Brandon. We've been talking a lot more and Face timeing. I feel like we've been getting a lot closer. And Brandon is actually kinda growing on me. Today is Friday, May 24th. I'm getting excited to see the rest of the gang in a couple of days. I'm leaving Sunday!

ANYWAYSSS... I have to get ready for school. I hoped into the shower and played the song Plug Walk by-Rich the Kid.
**song is right here if you need it!**

After my shower I blow dry my hair and put it in some Dutch braids. I still have a huge bruise on my forehead from when I hit my head on my steering wheel. The doctor told me not to put foundation on it so I only did my brows, put on mascara, highlighter and lip gloss. I chose this outfit for the day:

 I chose this outfit for the day:

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I walk downstairs to my kitchen. I put some frozen pancakes in my microwave. I've been wanting some pancakes but I'm too lazy to actually make them sooo.
I sit at the counter waiting for my pancakes. I read the note that my dad left for me, this time it was a bit different.

Hi Mackenzie. I left for a business trip. I'll be back when you come back from LA. Have a good trip. Oh and don't bother making me dinner any more, even when I come back. I realized that I shouldn't keep dragging on about your Mothers death. I'm hoping to get home earlier from work when you come back from LA so we can have dinner together. See you soon!


Wow! I'm surprised that my dad is over the death. I'm also really happy though. Maybe we could finally become a closer family, now all I need is Maddie. Maybe we could even get a dog. The house is always so quiet.

My pancakes are done and I quickly eat them. I hope into my car, this time making sure I buckle my seatbelt.

I pull up into the school parking lot. I walk to my locker at get my stuff.

"Lauren, I have something important I need to tell you." I say to the blonde as she walks up to my locker.

"Tell me, tell me." She says enthusiastically.

"My Dad wants to get closer to me. He finally stopped dragging on about my moms death!" I say happily.

"That's great Kenz!" Lauren says while giving me a great big bear hug.

The bell rings and we part ways. Lauren and I barely have any classes together but we still have lunch. **speaking of which, let's skip to the best part of school**

Today for lunch, me and Lauren are just gunna stay in the cafeteria. We were too lazy to get into my car and drive. I got myself a bag of Takis. I freaking love Takis man.

"Hey, Kenz. You wanna go to the gym with me after school?" Lauren asked me while sitting down across the table from me.

"Are you calling me fat?" I say jokingly

We both giggle. "Sure I'll go to the gym." I say to the blonde.

"Perfect." She says while smiling.

**after school**

"Ready?" I ask Lauren while getting out of the car.

"Ready." Lauren says to me as we walk into the gym.

First, we took 20 minuets to stretch out using resistance bands. Then, we used littler resistance bands and put them right above our knees. With these bands we did squat jumps. Then we did box jumps with the bands. Thennn, we ran on the treadmill for about 20 minutes. Finally we finished up with some core exercises and more stretching.

Lauren and I chugged our water and walked off to our cars.

"My house, trampoline." Lauren says while getting into her car.

"BETT!" I yell while getting into my own car. I may be 16 but jumping on trampolines will always be fun.

I get home and run into my room. I quickly change into a pair of legging and a Champion hoodie. I run down my stairs. I accidentally skip the last step and almost fall, my heart started racing. "Holy shit." I say to myself while holding my heart. I laugh and then walk to Lauren's house. I need the fresh air.

I open Lauren's door without even knocking. We're way too close to even think about knocking on each others door.

"Hey Laurens Dad." I say while walking upstairs to Lauren's room.

"Hey Kenzie, how are you?" Lauren's Dad asks.

"A lot better." I say with a smile.

"That's great." He replies.

I open the door to Lauren's room.

"Hey Lo-Lo" I say to Lauren.

We both get a notification on our phones.

Annie☀️💜: Kenzieeeee, are you excited to come to LA?!
Kenzie: of course I am!
Brandon: we're all excited for you to come to LA toooo!
Johnny o:^^
Ruby💋🌹: John wth why was that was dry af
Kenzie: because Jenzie isn't a thing, Johnny is dating Nadia
Hayden s: who the fuck is Nadia??!!!
Johnny o: my girlfriend...
Johnny o added Nadia Turner to the group chat
Annie☀️💜: aw man Jenzie is over.
Nadia Turner: what's a Jenzie
Lauren❤️: it's nothing now

"Lauren what the fuck." I say while laughing. She giggles.

Nadia Turner: well me and Johnny are gunna go makeout nowwww
Annie🌞💜: ew

"Let's go jump on the trampoline." I say to Lauren, trying not to sound hurt.

"Kenzie lighten up. He's not worth you're time." Lauren says while giving me a hug.

I give her a smile in return. We both run outside. Nothing a little tumbling can't fix, right?? I do a couple jumps with Lauren. I try and double jump her but my legs collapse and I fall right over. We both start laughing really hard. I lowkey almost peed myself.

Soon enough, it's time to go home. I say goodbye to Lauren and her parents. I start to walk home. As I open the door to my house I see a figure sitting on the couch.

"What the hell." I whisper to myself.

"We need to talk." The figure said to me while getting up off the couch.


Cliff hangerrrrrrrr! I'm starting to get lazy with my writing. Sorry guys. I appreciate everyone who has taken time out of their day to read my book, buttt I would like a little more action from y'all, comment, vote do something! Thank youuuu!💕 (1085) words

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