^Chapter 10^

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"We need to talk." The figure said while getting up off my couch.

"How the hell did you get in here." I say scared.

"You left your door completely open. I saw and wanted to make sure everything was ok and I then assumed you were out." He said to me.

"John, why are you in Pittsburgh?" I asked confused. "And why did Nadia say she was gunna makeout with you when you aren't even with each other at the moment?" I say while looking around for Nadia.

"Because Nadia.... is just Nadia." Johnny says to me while coming closer.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask him while backing away, realizing that I've reached my door that I walked through to get in, I'm trapped now.

"Us." He says plainly.

"What is there to talk about, your dating Nadia, there is no us." I say trying not to sound hurt.

"Why do you sound sad?" He asks. I can tell he actually is confused.

"Because I LIKE YOU, ORLANDO!" I yell. "Sorry I shouldn't of said that." I say instantly regretting the words that came out of my mouth.

I can see a grin form on Johnny's face. Why is he smiling he should be mad.

"Of course I'm not mad Kenzie." Johnny says.

Shit I must've said that out loud.

"Yes you did, you also just said that out loud." He says while giggling.

I frown. "Why aren't you mad, I like you and you're DATING NAIDIA." My voice starts to raise. I don't know why though.

"Kenzie. I like you too. I've always liked you." Johnny says while getting a lot closer to me. This time I don't back up...because I can't.

"Why date Nadia then?" I ask Johnny confused.

"Come sit down." John says to me while walking to the couch.

"Well this is MY house." I say with a little laugh.

John sighs. "Kenzie I only dated Nadia because She made me. She liked me for the longest time and she just got so jealous when she found out about the whole Jenzie thing. She would blackmail me with ugly pictures and pictures of me with other girls that i had previously hooked up with. I was forced. She forced me to act like I was her boyfriend. If I didn't she told me that she would hurt you, and I didn't want you to get physically hurt."

"Well you still hurt my heart. But I appreciate that you were looking out for me." I say with tears forming in my eyes. I hurt me to hear that he's hooked up with so many other girls. Was he a player? Do I trust him?

"Please don't cry." Johnny says to me while pulling me into a hug.

I hug back. He smells great and he's warm. I love it. I want to cherish this moment forever.

Finally John and I separate.

"Wait how long are you staying here?" I ask with a grin on my face.

"I'm taking you to LA. So I'm here with you until Sunday, then I'm taking you to the airport , thennn we get to hang out with the rest of the gang until you, unfortunately, have to leave." John says to me. He looked so cute when he was explaining that.

"Perfect. Oh yea and btw, my dad is at a business trip so... feel free to stay in my room with me. Ya know just to keep me safe." I say with a smile slowly walking upstairs.

Johnny quickly gets up from the couch while licking his lips and smirking. He smoothly rubs his hands together while running up the stairs after me. We both laugh while I open the door to my room.

"Holy shit. You have a really nice room." He says while looking around.

"Ha thanks hun." I say with a giggle.

"Hun?" He asks.

"Calm down I call everyone hun." I say while rolling my eyes.

I pat the bed signaling Johnny to come lay down by me. He dose so with ease.

"Movies?" I ask.

"Of course. But only if it's a scary one." John says to me in a baby voice with his puppy eyes.

"Who could say no to that face." I say in a way that you would probably use to talk to a dog.

He laughs and picks the movie the conjuring.

"Yay. I like this movie." I say while getting closer to Johnny.

I could tell that he was starting to understand my body language by the grin he had on his face.

"WAIT!" I say realizing something. "How the hell are we gunna tell Nadia."

"Don't worry about it. I got this." John said while pulling out his phone.

"Done." He said. "Nadia should be leaving the group chat in 3...2...1"

We both get a notification on our phones.

Nadia left the group chat
Hayden s: hell yeaghhhgksksmsn. Wait sorry John but hell yeahhhhjksk
Annie🌞💜: ^^^^^ 😂
Johnny o: Guys Nadia's a bitch. She made me date her and if I didn't she would hurt Kenz. I'm sorry.
Kenzie: 🙄^

Johnny and I both look at each other. I smile, but keep my mouth closed.

"Wow." John says to me.

"Whattt?" I ask confused.

"Nothing, it's just you're so fucking beautiful." He says while pulling me in so my head in on his chest and my one leg is over his lap. He then moves my arm to make it wrap around his waist. I smile again. He gives me so many butterflies in my stomach. Fuck it... he gives me the whole damn zoo!

Johnny looks down at me.

"Aww my poor baby has a bruise." He says in a baby voice again. He grazed over the bruise.
I look up at him then bury my head back in his chest. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I try to open my eyes back up but I'm too tired. I swore that he planted a kiss on my forehead.


Ok I've decided to continue this story. I'll only make it like a 15 or 16 chapter book though. I'm already
Thinking of new book ideas so you'll see more of me from the people how like this book. I'm hoping on improving my writing through reading other books. I'm not stealing anything just hoping I could get better writing through it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! (1057) words. 💕

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