^Chapter 4^

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Johnny o: because I have something to tell you......
Kenzie: what is it John?
Johnny o: are you good with girls?
Kenzie: I guess so why?
Johnny o: because I think I want to ask this girl named Nadia out. She just so pretty and nice and funny. we've been talking for a while now I just don't know how to do it.
Kenzie: well if I were to be asked out I would maybe want some flowers or something and then just say something cute. Idk that's my preference tho.
Johnny o: that sounds perfect. thank you so much Kenzie!!!

I'm not gunna lie. When he said that he wanted to ask this Nadia girl out I wanted to roll up in a ball and cry. Do I like Johnny? No I can't. Then why did I get so jealous when he said that? Ugh I need to text my dad.

Kenzie: hey father. So Rumer texted me and she said that she wanted me to go to LA to shoot a dance video on June 2nd and I was wondering if I could go? Please! I'll even pay for my own plane ticket.

10 minutes later

Father: why not? Just another reason to get you out of the house for a week. In fact why don't you go a week earlier so you can stay there for 2 weeks.

Kenzie: thank you so much Dad!

I don't know why I'm so upset about Johnny and Nadia. I shouldn't be upset but I really really am. What does this Nadia girl even look like? I look her up on instagram. So she's Ruby's sister I guess. She is really really pretty though. I wonder if she's nice or not. She's probably a bitch. Ugh ok I'm going to take a nap now and try to sleep away the pain in my heart.

After my 15 minute nap I decided I couldn't sleep anymore. I wanted to get glammed up and take some pictures for insta with Lauren. I put on some foundation, concealer, a little bit of pinkish nude eyeshadow, mascara, highlighter and bronzer. I set it all in place with my stetting spray and I put on a pair of ripped jeans a light grey t-shirt and my pair of black vans.

Kenzie: Lauren come over and take some pictures with me. I haven't posted on Instagram in a while!

Lauren❤️: I'd love to I'll be right over.

I told Lauren to wear the same thing I was wearing so we could match. I put my hair in Dutch braids with little strands of hair falling out.

Lauren came into my bedroom and I told her to sit down so I could do her hair. I love doing people's hair. I find it fun.

When I was done, we both went outside in my garden area and took some pics. I decided to post this one.

@kenzie we ain't need you anyways hun ✌🏼

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@kenzie we ain't need you anyways hun ✌🏼

@rubyturner I wish I was with you guys rn!
@kenzie we wish you were here tooooo!

@Brandonrowland ohh who's the caption about!!!
@kenzie none of you're business @brandonrowland 😂

@kenziesuckssss ew y'all are ugly and have no talent

@Sofia_Harper ewwww your smile is so gross!

Ugh more hate. It's ok. My mom told me that the only reason people hate on you is because they're jealous of how great you are. I always try my hardest to believe in that quote, but sometimes it's super hard. When I get that kind of hate I want to curl up in a ball and cry.

"Wait Kenzie." Lauren says to me as we are both sitting on our phones while laying on my bed.

"Yeah" I reply to the blonde.

"Who was that caption about?"

"No one" I say to her quickly.

"Seriously Mackenzie who was the caption about, normally you ask me what caption to put on your post but this time you didn't. You obviously wanted to make someone jealous by posting a picture or something. Who?"

"Lauren who do you think."

"Johnny..?" The blonde says while looking at me.

"Yeah..." I say while sighing. "He wants to ask out a girl named Nadia and he asked me how to do it. The thing is she's way prettier than me too." I say while slouching down even further into my bed.

"Kenzie how could anyone ever be prettier than you?"

"Look her up on instagram. Nadia Turner." She's fucking beautiful and I'm just an ugly fat bitch!" I say.

Tears prick my eyes. I try to blink them away but it doesn't work. They start to drip down my face like warm waterfalls.

"Kenzie. I love you so much. Don't even call yourself that. You are so so so beautiful and funny and trust me you're not fat at all. I think I know what might make you feel better."

"What would that be Lauren." I say to her unimpressed.

"Tomorrow after school, you, me, Maddie. Let's all go to the mall and then get our nails done. My treat." Says the blonde while giving me a hug.

"What if Maddie doesn't want to go?" I ask while wiping away my tears.

"Her loss?!" Lauren says to me while giving me a big smile.

"Ok ok fine, tomorrow after school!" I say while smiling back.

"Yayyyy!" She yells back.

I look at the clock. 11:30.

"I should get going my mom is going to be mad if I don't get home soon. Byeee Kenzie boo!" Lauren says to me while getting out of my bed.

I tell the blonde goodnight and I go to the bathroom. I wash my face and put on some moisturizer. I brush my teeth then walk into bed. I stay on my phone for a little bit until I get super tired. Dang. Today was an eventful day.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! (990 words)

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