^Chapter 6^

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"Hey I heard what happened."

Johnny walks in my room.

"Wait why are you here." I say surprised but hurt at the same time.

"Well you are my best friend and you're hurt. I needed to see you. Oh yea and I brought Nadia."

Best friend. That hurts me a lot. I need to get over him but I can't.He looks at me with his green orbs. Crap, He looks even better in person.

"Hey Kenzie. I'm really sorry about what happened." Nadia says to me in a kind of bitchy way.

"Yeah." I say with a sigh.

"Johnny I'm really glad your here but you didn't have to come." I say to him trying to signal Nadia to get the fuck out so we can have private time.

"Hey Nadia do you mind. I'll let you talk to her when we're done." Johnny says understanding what I was doing before.

Nadia walks out of my hospital room but she walks out madly.

"Kenzie. How do you look so good even when your cut and bruised." Johnny says while looking into my eyes.

"John, Nadia, your girlfriend, remember." I say to him in a moody tone.

"Why are you upset." The dirty blonde asks me.

"It's nothing." I say to him looking away.

"Kenz tell me."

"John I'm fine!" I say in a louder moody tone.

"God damn. Kenzie I was just trying to help. Obviously you don't want me here so I'll just leave." His green orbs start to water. "I'll let Nadia come and talk to you now." He says. I can tell he's pissed.

"Wait John.." I say as he walks out the room.

He looks back but he doesn't respond. He's gone. "FUCK! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!" I loud whisper to myself not realizing Nadia walked in the room.

"Mackenzie, I need to tell you something. Stay the fuck away from John. He's my boyfriend, not yours.

"Nadia, Joh-" I was cut off

"It's not like he would even want you anyways. Back off!" Nadia says to me.

I'm in shock as she walks away. I was right. She is a bitch. I look at the clock next to my bed. 10:57. Maybe I should get to rest. I need to text Johnny first.

Kenzie: Johnny please tell me that you're still in Pittsburgh. I really need to talk to you. Please John.

Why does he have to be so stubborn. I decided to scroll through Instagram. I found myself on Johnny's insta. I was looking at videos of him singing. Wow he's so amazing. Oh shit! He's live right now.

"Hey guys. I'm back in LA already. I know I said that I was going to be in Pittsburgh for a little bit but things didn't work out."

All the comments were telling him and Nadia to kiss

John read one of the comments.

"Kiss." He said. He looked at Nadia. They both kissed... for a really long time.

Right as the were kissing I went off the live. I couldn't bare in anymore. I started to cry. "Why can't I fucking get over him." I mouthed to myself.

I knew just what to do.

Kenzie: Hey! Brandon!

Ohhhhhh shittttt. Another cliff hanger. (573) words. Again sorry for the short chapter. 💕💕 the next ones will be longer trust me.

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