^Chapter 11^

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I woke up this morning in the arms of Johnny. Today is the day. Today, I'm going to go to LA. So many thoughts are running through my head.

Will they even like you once they see you in person? What if they're not nice to you? Why don't you just get ready and be all excited. Things will work out fine.

I turn over and wake up Johnny with a HUGE smile on my face. He looks up at me and smiles back. "Someone's excited."

Well duh, you dumbass. I'm going to see my best friends after almost a month. But I didn't say that. I wanted to be nice. "Of course I am." I say while getting up and running to my bathroom to get ready.

I wash my face while thinking about all the fun we're all going to have together. I put on I tiny bit of makeup. I walk over to my closet. "Johnny, you have a sense of style. What do I wear?"

He looks up at me and gives a little laugh. He walks over to my clothes and starts working his magic. I didn't even know I had some of these things. "How's that?" He asks.

I nod, still wondering if this would match. I quickly run into the bathroom and change into this outfit he had picked out:

 I quickly run into the bathroom and change into this outfit he had picked out:

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I get out of the bathroom and show Johnny my outfit. I give a little twirl. "I love it, thanks Johnny."

He nods. "I'm speechless. You look so good in those pants, You're perfect."

I laugh as we walk downstairs. I go into my kitchen and grab a mango that I bought the other day when John and I went grocery shopping. I cut it into squares and put it in a little bowl for me and John to share. We sit at the table for a little in a type of silence that wasn't  awkward at all. It was a nice silence.

That's when. I totally forgot about Brandon.

What's he gunna do? Is it gunna be awkward. I should tell Johnny.

I contemplate telling him or not. I should just be honest..... right? "Johnny?" I say, but it kind of came out as a question.

He looks at me worried. Do I look worried? "What's up?"

I look down at the mango and decided just to say it. "Me and Brandon hung out after I got out of the hospital and he took me to a trampoline park."

He looked disappointed when I said that. I just looked down and pinched the bridge of his nose. He sighs. "Kenz, Brandon is a player and is not good for you."

He looked at me slowly after he said that. I just look down right away, dissatisfied with myself for thinking he was good with girls and didn't just play them."I didn't say I liked it. I hated it because all I could think about was you. I was just thinking that it might be a little awkward if I show up with you and Brandon is confused."

John was the one who looked confused now. "So you're saying you don't want me to take you to LA?" He asked me in a very low, serious tone.

"I didn't say that either. Of course I want you to take me to LA. I like you for gods sake. I was just thinking about dumb stuff. Just forget about it." I regret bringing it up. But yet again maybe it was the right time.

John just nods. Did I do something wrong? But he opens his mouth as if he wants to speak. "Kenz, I want you to know this. Brandon is no good when I comes to relationships. Don't get any thoughts." He finally says.

"I wasn't John. I LIKE YOU GOD DAMMIT!" I don't know why I started to yell. I shouldn't have yelled. I felt bad right after I said that and I think he could tell.

He got up off his chair and walked to the door. "Let's go meet some friends!" He tries to change the subject. I can tell that he doesn't like to talk about other guys. I wonder why?

Johnny's point of view

I can't stand when Kenzie talks about other guys. I want her to be all mine. I want her to be with me forever. I want her to be so comfortable around me that she can just talk about whatever she wanted to without thinking about if that was the right thing to say.

Kenz and I walk out the door. I quickly catch a glimpse of her bottom as I close the door. All I can say is holy shit. I almost stopped in my tracks just to think about the thing that had just passed my view. I'm so happy that she likes me. Why didn't I tell her I liked her though?

Kenz gets into the passenger seat with a smile on her face. I'm so excited for her to see the rest of the gang. "I'm really excited. I might be even more excited than you, Kenzie." I start the car and drive off to the airport.

Kenzie's point of view

There is no way that John can be more excited than me. "No way. I'm about to pee my pants!" We both laugh and soon there
is a silence.

This time, not a good silence. This was an awkward silence.

Things shouldn't be awkward. I knew that I shouldn't have told John about Brandon. "Text the groupchat!!" Johnny says excitedly. "Tell them your on the way to the airport."

Without saying anything I quickly pull out my phone.

Kenzie: guyyyssss! I'm on my way to the airport. (Johnny told me to tell y'all)🤗
Annie💜🌞: yay yay yayayahakalsn!!!
Hayden s: ^^^^^^ 😂
Kenzie: Guys we're not dating! But yes he's driving me to the airport. It's not a big deal.
Brandon: I can't make it any more
Brandon left the groupchat
Hayden: umm what??^^^ why

Wow. I didn't realize Brandon would get that mad over some Jenzie shit. "Brandon just left the group because they were all saying some Jenzie bullshit." I say to Johnny while looking at him for a response.

He smiled. He's happy that Brandon left. "Good, now he can't mess with my girl."

His girl??? I didn't know I was his girl. "Your girl?" I guess I'm just speaking what on my mind without even thinking about it. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

John gives off a tiny laugh. "Calm down. I know we like each other but Nadia will literally kill the both of us if she finds out we're dating."

That hurt a little bit but I'm not ready to fully trust Johnny. I literally just meet him in person. "I get that. Plus we literally just meet in person and I'm not ready to date anyone so quickly like that... I mean not after what happened when I was 14." Shit why the hell did I say that last part.

Johnny looks at me like I'm crazy. "What happened when you were 14??" He asked. He has a worried look on his face but he keeps his eyes on the road.

It's a long story but the car ride to the airport alone is about 30 minuets. "Well......" I start.

Little bit of a cliff hanger. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!💕 (1251) words

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